
I have a Akka cluster setup locally on one machine, with 2 nodes running on 
2 java processes participating into one cluster. The different java 
processes (nodes) listen on different TCP ports.

I am able to startup and see the nodes joining the cluster, however, when I 
have the "orchestrator" node "DistributedPubSubMediator.Send" a message to 
the "mediator" actor, the target remote actor never received the message.

Can anyone help give some pointers on how to trouble shoot such issue?

Attaching the akka application.conf. The highlights:
  actor.provider = "akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider"

  remote {
     enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"]
     netty.tcp {
       hostname =
       port = 9095

  extensions = ["akka.cluster.pubsub.DistributedPubSub"]

For the 2 nodes, one runs on port *9095*, and one runs on port *9080*

>From the log:
[INFO] [07/22/2016 13:42:40.024] [main] [akka.remote.Remoting] Starting 
[INFO] [07/22/2016 13:42:40.305] [main] [akka.remote.Remoting] Remoting 
started; listening on addresses :[akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@]
[INFO] [07/22/2016 13:42:40.306] [main] [akka.remote.Remoting] Remoting now 
listens on addresses: [akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@]
[INFO] [07/22/2016 13:42:40.317] [main] 
[akka.cluster.Cluster(akka://ClusterSystem)] Cluster Node 
[akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@] - Starting up...
[INFO] [07/22/2016 13:42:40.390] [main] 
[akka.cluster.Cluster(akka://ClusterSystem)] Cluster Node 
[akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@] - Registered cluster JMX MBean 
[INFO] [07/22/2016 13:42:40.390] [main] 
[akka.cluster.Cluster(akka://ClusterSystem)] Cluster Node 
[akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@] - Started up successfully
[INFO] [07/22/2016 13:42:45.442] 
[akka.cluster.Cluster(akka://ClusterSystem)] Cluster Node 
[akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@] - Node 
[akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@] is JOINING, roles [fitting]
[INFO] [07/22/2016 13:42:46.426] 
[akka.cluster.Cluster(akka://ClusterSystem)] Cluster Node 
[akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@] - Leader is moving node 
to [Up]*
[INFO] [07/22/2016 13:42:49.604] 
[akka.cluster.Cluster(akka://ClusterSystem)] Cluster Node 
[akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@] - Node 
[akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@] is JOINING, roles [fitting]
[INFO] [07/22/2016 13:42:50.420] 
[akka.cluster.Cluster(akka://ClusterSystem)] Cluster Node 
[akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@] - Leader is moving node 
to [Up]*

Node membership in the cluster looks fine, but the message sending is not 

Code sending to remote actor with path "worker"

    private ActorRef mediator = 

            boolean localAffinity = true;
            mediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Send("/user/*worker*", 
message, localAffinity), getSelf());

Code worker actor telling itself to mediator
    actorSystem.actorOf(Props.create(FittingActor.class), "worker");

        ActorRef mediator = 
        // register to the path
        mediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Put(getSelf()), 

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>>>>>>>>>>      Check the FAQ: 
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akka {

  actor.provider = "akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider"

  loglevel = INFO

  remote {
     enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"]

     netty.tcp {
       hostname =
       port = 9095

      log-remote-lifecycle-events = on
      log-sent-messages = on
      log-received-messages = on

      transport-failure-detector {
        hartbeat-interval = 30s

  cluster {
    roles = ["fitting"]
    metrics.enabled = off
    auto-down-unreachable-after = 120s
    seed-nodes = [

    pub-sub {
        # Actor name of the mediator actor, /system/distributedPubSubMediator
        name = distributedPubSubMediator

        # Start the mediator on members tagged with this role.
        # All members are used if undefined or empty.
        role = ""

        # The routing logic to use for 'Send'
        # Possible values: random, round-robin, broadcast
        routing-logic = random

        # How often the DistributedPubSubMediator should send out gossip 
        gossip-interval = 1s

        # Removed entries are pruned after this duration
        removed-time-to-live = 120s

        # Maximum number of elements to transfer in one message when 
synchronizing the registries.
        # Next chunk will be transferred in next round of gossip.
        max-delta-elements = 3000

        # The id of the dispatcher to use for DistributedPubSubMediator actors.
        # If not specified default dispatcher is used.
        # If specified you need to define the settings of the actual dispatcher.
        use-dispatcher = ""

  extensions = ["akka.cluster.pubsub.DistributedPubSub"]


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