Hi Richard,

On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 10:52 AM, Richard Whitehead <
rich...@rstj-systems.co.uk> wrote:

> I wonder if the community can help me get started.
> I’m trying to design the architecture of a project and I think that using
> Akka may make sense, but I am completely new to distributed systems and to
> Akka (I am a very experienced developer, but my expertise is image
> processing on Windows!).
> The task is very simple: call 3 or 4 executables in sequence to process
> some image data.  The data is just a simple image and the processing takes
> tens of minutes.  Each processing step takes an image file in and produces
> an image file out.
> We are considering a distributed architecture to increase throughput
> (latency does not matter).  So we need a way to queue work on remote
> computers, potentially running more than one pipeline at once, and a way to
> move the data around.  The architecture will have to work on a single
> server, or on a couple of servers in a rack, or in the cloud; 2 or 3
> computers maximum.
> Being new to all this I would prefer something simple rather than
> something super-powerful.  Certainly I don't want something that will take
> over the project, I want something that does what we tell it rather than
> the other way round.
> If I'm understanding it, Akka should help with launching the processing
> steps and with getting the data to and from the remote machines /
> containers, is that right?  Would it also help with keeping track of the
> processing pipelines?

Yes, it can be used in that fashion. I am not sure though that in your case
Akka is the best choice. There are two reasons for this:
 - your problem needs a simple worker pool. This in itself is a good fit
for Akka, but
 - your actual task is executed outside the JVM

Maybe for this problem a simple message queue and workers polling for the
queue is more than enough.

Akka helps when you suddenly need more coordination than this because then
it provides a good amount of tools to customize how things happen.

You can look at the distributed-workers Activator template here to get a
feel of it:


> Huge thanks in advance.
> Richard
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