Has some developed an akka stream based TCP server where connections is 
kept open and frame delimited messages is pouring in, and is eventually 
stored somewhere in a database? It seems to be such a simple pattern that i 
am surprised to not find any examples for it. But maybe the world is not so 
simple, or maybe akka streams arent targeted for main stream development 
with semi complex business logic. I need session management, authentication 
(crude) and cross connection session buffer, where connections can connect, 
send a partial message, disconnect for some reason, reconnect and send the 
last part of the message. The first message is always an HELO message (or 
login message). I feel the actor way of doing it is too fragile and 
resource consuming. I have like a river dance of actors doing all the 
wiring to keep session buffer for each connection, store the data and also 
to make sure that each message is at least stored once (only once in fact 
since i use unique index on table).

Today I have:

ActorSystem1(ServerActor -> ConnectionActor * N -> SessionActor * N) -> 
ActorSystem2(BackendRouterActor -> BackendWorkerActor)

The ServerActor is where akka tcp sets up the the server, with host and 

ConnectionActor is one per connection, and validates the first message 
received as a login message. If not a login message, disconnects. If valid 
login message, creates a new SessionActor or finds an existing one, and 
then passes all further messages to the SessionActor.

SessionActor is a persistent actor and keeps in its journal message buffer, 
last message received and message counter, and will process the buffer for 
each incoming message chunk. It searches with a tail recursive function 
(but I could also done look ahead) for messages that ends with delimiter, 
parses this messages into an Event object and sends this off to the 

BackendRouterActor is a persistent At least once delivery actor, that when 
receives an Event object persists it and sends it off to the worker. If not 
confirmed within a time limt, resends, as usual with ALOD.

I know there may be some weaknesses in this architecture, so general advice 
on the architecture would be great.

But my main question, drawn in direct or abstract lines, how can this be 
done with Akka Streams? 

I see three problems (things i dont know the solution for) with akka 

1) The cross connection session buffer and other parameters related to 
2) Connection authentication (HELO message, which must be specific format)
2) At least once delivery where all parsed events MUST be stored.

Someone who can shed some insight on possible solutions to these problems 
and the topic in general, how to convert such an actor based stateful app 
to akka streams?

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