Hi folks,

I am just starting with event sourcing and still struggle to get domain 
problems solved. Maybe a user database is not a good fit for ES, dunno :)

What do I want to achieve:

* Users can be created (having an immutable UUID and an email which is used 
as username)
* Email can be changed
* Email should be unique (since used as login username)
* Lookup users is needed by email (for login) and by UUID (for everything 

*Lookup by email and change email*

Since user database is potentially unbound I wanted to use sharding over 
the UUID to be able to split the state hold in memory across nodes. So I 
would end up with multiple ES event streams, one for each user UUID. So 
getting the current user state by ID is done. But how do I look up the user 
by email? Would it be a common solution to have a secondary event stream, 
one for each email and have that be updated whenever a new user is created 
or a user changes it's email address?

*Uniqueness of email*

As I read uniqueness is expensive to be guaranteed. I thought about not 
creating the user object directly, but instead on registration, send an 
email to the given email address that contains a verification link. But 
this link does not only contain a nonce, but instead is an encrypted and 
signed JWT. Only when the user clicks that link, the user account is 
actually created. This does not totally solve the uniqueness constraint, 
but it at least ensures that not two different persons create an account 
with the same email.

*Choosing persistenceId (and maybe also shardingId/entityId)*

Here is some code I have so far, but it is not totally working (for example 
the akka.persistence.Update event is not properly propagated through the 
sharding). Also when using sharding this fails, because multiple instances 
of UserProcessor share the same `persistenceId`. But I did not now what to 
do, since when I include the user UUID in the `persistenceId`, which would 
make sense, then the `EmailView` does not get all events to build up the 
email lookup dictionary. TL;DR: this code is probably total nonsense.

// UserProcessor.scala

package io.airfocus.user

import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorLogging, ActorRef}
import akka.persistence.{PersistentActor}
import de.choffmeister.auth.common.{PBKDF2, PasswordHasher, Plain}
import io.airfocus.common.{RandomString, WithPassivation}
import io.airfocus.model.User
import io.airfocus.model.UserProcessor._

import scala.concurrent.duration._

class UserProcessor(userView: ActorRef, emailView: ActorRef) extends Actor with 
ActorLogging with PersistentActor with WithPassivation {
  private val passwordHasher = new PasswordHasher("pbkdf2", "hmac-sha1" :: 
"10000" :: "128" :: Nil, PBKDF2 :: Plain :: Nil)

  override def passivationTimeout: FiniteDuration = 5.seconds

  override def persistenceId: String = "users"

  override def receiveRecover: Receive = {
    case ev: CreateUser =>

  override def receiveCommand: Receive = withPassivation({
    case cmd @ CreateUser(userId, email, password) =>
      persistAsync(UserCreated(User(id = userId, emails = Map(email -> 
Some(RandomString.base32(32))), passwordHash = passwordHasher.hash(password)))) 
{ ev =>
        userView ! io.airfocus.model.UserView.Update(userId)
        emailView ! io.airfocus.model.EmailView.Update(email)
        sender() ! ev.user

  override def preStart() = log.info("Starting {}", self.path)
  override def postStop() = log.info("Stopped {}", self.path)

// UserView.scala

package io.airfocus.user

import java.util.UUID

import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorLogging}
import akka.persistence.PersistentView
import io.airfocus.common.WithPassivation
import io.airfocus.model.User
import io.airfocus.model.UserProcessor._
import io.airfocus.model.UserView._

import scala.concurrent.duration._

class UserView extends Actor with ActorLogging with PersistentView with 
WithPassivation {
  var users = Map.empty[UUID, User]

  override def passivationTimeout: FiniteDuration = 5.seconds

  override def persistenceId: String = "users"

  override def viewId: String = s"users-user-${self.path.name}"

  override def autoUpdate: Boolean = true

  override def autoUpdateInterval: FiniteDuration = 1.second

  override def receive: Receive = withPassivation({
    case ev @ UserCreated(u) =>
      users = users + (u.id -> u)

    case GetUser(userId) =>
      sender() ! users.get(userId)

    case Update(_) =>
      self ! akka.persistence.Update(await = true)

// EmailView.scala

package io.airfocus.user

import java.util.UUID

import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorLogging}
import akka.persistence.PersistentView
import io.airfocus.common.WithPassivation
import io.airfocus.model.EmailView.{LookupEmail, Update}
import io.airfocus.model.UserProcessor._

import scala.concurrent.duration._

class EmailView extends Actor with ActorLogging with PersistentView with 
WithPassivation {
  var users = Map.empty[String, UUID]

  override def passivationTimeout: FiniteDuration = 5.seconds

  override def persistenceId: String = "users"

  override def viewId: String = s"users-email-${self.path.name}"

  override def receive: Receive = withPassivation({
    case UserCreated(u) =>
      users = users ++ u.emails.map(_._1 -> u.id)

    case LookupEmail(email) =>
      sender() ! users.get(email)

    case Update(_) =>
      self ! akka.persistence.Update(await = true)

*Other stuff*

There are still more questions in my mind the more I think about all this. 
I guess my use case is pretty common, so if anyone has any other ideas or 
links to that specific topic I would be happy.


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