Hi Victor,

Embedding is not the way to think about this. What you really want is a
BidiStage which then can be composed by any Flow to get a new Flow.


On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 10:12 AM, Victor <victor.pi...@iadvize.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Is it possible to embed a Flow in a GraphStage?
> I want to design a GraphStage which monitor a flow given by a user (pseudo
> code):
> class MyFlow(embededFlow: Flow[MyMessage, MyMessage, NotUsed]) extends
> GraphStage[FlowShape[MyContent, MyContent]] {
>   var id
>   onPush = {
>     val msg = grab(in)
>     id = msg.id
>     push(embededFlow.in, msg.content)
>   }
>   onPull = {
>     val content = grab(embededFlow.out)
>     push(out, MyMessage(id, content))
>   }
>   embededFlow.onFailure = {
>     push(out, ...)
>   }
> }
> The embeded flow is a black box and I want to monitor it, react to it's
> failure and manage a state because I don't want to expose the whole message
> to the embeded flow, I just want it to process a part of the message.
> Is it possible?
> Thanks in advance,
> Victor
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