I have a problem while forwarding data received from tcp to a stream . It 
works with hardcoded version but does not work with dynamic balance graph . 
If i change the rtcpgraph with rtcpgraphdynamic, data does not flow into 
stream as if its run method is missing . Data arrives at publisher sink's 
materialized value (ret ), but does not continue further into stream. This 
dynamic graph works if i read data from file .

val clsParallelPartialGraph = GraphDSL.create(){
            implicit builder =>

                val balance : UniformFanOutShape[(Array[Int]),(Array[Int])] 
= builder.add(Balance[(Array[Int])](ParallelCount ))

                (0 until clsParallelCount).foreach { x =>
                    balance ~> flowClusterings(x) ~>Sink.ignore

 val connectionRet = connections.to(Sink.foreach { connection =>

                printOrNot(s"New connection from: 
                val sink1 = Sink.asPublisher[ByteString](fanout = true)
                val sourceTemp = Source.maybe[ByteString]
                val flowsinksource = Flow.fromSinkAndSourceMat(sink1, 

                val ret : Publisher[ByteString] = 

                val sourcetcp = Source.fromPublisher(ret)
                    maximumFrameLength = 256,
                    allowTruncation = true))
                    .via(Flow[ByteString].map{x =>
                    val decoded = x.decodeString("UTF-8")
                    println("decoded :" + decoded) 

                val rgraphtcp = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(
/*sinkToJsTuple*/){ implicit builder =>
                    val balance : UniformFanOutShape[(Array[Int]),(Array[Int
] )] = builder.add(Balance[(Array[Int])](ParallelCount ))

                    sourcetcp ~>    flow1tcp    ~> flow2 ~> flowMain ~>   
balance ~> flowClustering0 ~>Sink.ignore
                    balance ~> flowClustering1 ~>Sink.ignore
                    balance ~> flowClustering2 ~>Sink.ignore


                val mattcp = rgraphtcp.run()
                val rgraphtcpdynamic = 
RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(){ implicit builder =>
                    val balance : 
UniformFanOutShape[(Array[Int]),(Array[Int] )] = 
builder.add(Balance[(Array[Int] )](ParallelCount ))

                    sourcetcp ~>    flow1tcp    ~> flow2 ~> flowMain ~> 


                val mattcp = rgraphtcpdynamic.run()


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