Hi There,

I have a (Java) application that collect information form various sources 
(SCM, Execution envs, Issues tracker, ..) with the goal of identifying "
*violations*" on our *products* (New component found, New dependency found, 
No sources for project, Wrong name, ..) and publish them as events.
It work and start to gain attention from colleagues but some tasks are 
really long and while the code seems clear, it will become hard to reason 
in term of responsibilities. That's why I would like to evolve to Akka but 
I don't have any experience with Akka and would have a clear view on the 
"how to" before starting.

*1\ Is it a good use case for Akka ?*
I would like to make the whole system as much asynchronous as I can because 
some inspections are really slow. But also because I rely mainly on 
conventions and that when they are not followed I got exceptions and the 
system crash. While with Akka I can publish the error as violation and 

*2\ Can actors have states ?*
I'm not speaking of finite state machine but more about "context". In the 
hello world tutorial, the Greeter actor has one `*var *message`. That means 
that If I send it three different `WhoToGreet(name)` before `Greet` then it 
is only the latest name that will be used. That seems a little weird so I 
think an usual pattern will be to create multiple instances of the same 
actor. In my case I should have one `Actor` per *Product* that will spawn 
one actor per kind of *violation*.

If that is the correct way of working, is it the role of the parent actor 
to create the child `ActorRef` of should I use another mechanism (which one 

*3\ Where to put the business code ?*
I have the notion of *inspector* that detect one kind of violation. And 
some services to obtains raw information. May I merge them within my actors 
or just call them from the actors ?

Thanks a lot for your replies.

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