Yes. There are no firewall rules between these machines. I can say this 
because node3 joins the cluster if I start the seed nodes in the order 
node2, node3 and then node1. This would not happen if there was any network 
related issue.
Does the order of starting seed nodes really matter? The doc says only 
about starting the first seed node. But in this case, if I start the first 
seed node, then not all nodes join the cluster.

On Saturday, October 29, 2016 at 5:17:54 AM UTC-7, Patrik Nordwall wrote:
> Are you sure that there are no firewall rules or similar that are blocking 
> between the nodes?
> /Patrik
> fre 28 okt. 2016 kl. 16:21 skrev Jegan < <javascript:>>:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Apologies for a long post. I am using Akka Cluster (version 2.4.10) to 
>> distribute an incoming HTTP request to a bunch of workers deployed on 
>> remote machines. I am following below sample from Lightbend. I am using 
>> Akka HTTP for the front-end role (as a REST layer)
>> The issue is, when I start multiple instances of the worker processes on 
>> different machines (15 instances on 4 different machines), some of them do 
>> not join the cluster and hence do not get the work sent by the front-end. 
>> For debugging, I reduced the problem to just 3 machines and 3 worker 
>> instances. All of these 3 instances are configured as seed nodes.The 3rd 
>> node joins the cluster only if I start the nodes in this particular order, 
>> node 2, node 3 and then node 1. If I start in any other order, node 1 and 
>> node 2 are forming the cluster, but node 3 never joins them. 
>> But the below Akka documentation says that the first node configured in 
>> seed-nodes element should be started first (node 1, in this case). The doc 
>> also says, "Note that you can only join to an existing cluster member, 
>> which means that for bootstrapping some node must join itself". but, I 
>> am not sure what does this mean and if I am doing this in my code.
>> Can you help/guide me if there is anything wrong I am doing in my 
>> configuration/code or if I am missing something obvious. Appreciate your 
>> help. Below are the other details.
>> *FrontEnd*
>>     val config = ConfigFactory.parseString("akka.cluster.roles = 
>> [frontend]").
>>       withFallback(ConfigFactory.load("rr"))
>>     implicit val system = ActorSystem("APICluster", config)
>>     val server = new HttpServer(host, port)
>>     Cluster(system) registerOnMemberUp {
>>       system.actorOf(Props(classOf[FrontEnd], server, config), name = 
>> "FrontEnd")
>>     }
>> *BackEnd*
>>     val config = 
>> ConfigFactory.parseString(s"akka.remote.netty.tcp.port=$port").
>>       withFallback(ConfigFactory.parseString("akka.cluster.roles = 
>> [backend]")).
>>       withFallback(ConfigFactory.load("rr"))
>>     val system = ActorSystem("APICluster", config)
>>     system.actorOf(Props(classOf[Worker]), name = "Worker")
>>     system.actorOf(Props[MetricsListener], name = "metricsListener")
>> *application.conf*
>> akka {
>>   actor {
>>     provider = "akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider"
>>   }
>>   remote {
>>     log-remote-lifecycle-events = off
>>     netty.tcp {
>>       hostname = "node1"
>>       port = 0
>>     }
>>   }
>>   cluster {
>>     seed-nodes = [
>>       "akka.tcp://APICluster@node1:2551",
>>       "akka.tcp://APICluster@node2:2581",
>>       "akka.tcp://APICluster@node3:2591"]
>>   }
>> }
>> *rr.conf*
>> akka.cluster.min-nr-of-members = 2
>> akka.cluster.role {
>>  frontend.min-nr-of-members = 1
>>  backend.min-nr-of-members = 2
>> }
>> {
>>  /frontEnd/backendRouter = {
>>    router = round-robin-group
>>    nr-of-instances = 20
>>    routees.paths = ["/user/worker"]
>>    cluster {
>>      enabled = on
>>      use-role = backend
>>      allow-local-routees = on
>>    }
>>  }
>> }
>> Below are the logs when I started the nodes in the order node1, node2 and 
>> then node3. Node1 runs both frontend and a worker (2551), as 2 different 
>> instances, node2 runs a worker (2581) and node3 runs a worker (2591).
>> *Node1*
>> 13:17:27.540UTC INFO [] 
>> akka://APICluster/deadLetters 
>> RemoteActorRefProvider$RemoteDeadLetterActorRef - Message 
>> [akka.cluster.InternalClusterAction$InitJoin$] from 
>> Actor[akka://APICluster/system/cluster/core/daemon/firstSeedNodeProcess-1#-2136455265]
>> to Actor[akka://APICluster/deadLetters] was not delivered. [10] dead 
>> letters encountered, no more dead letters will be logged. This logging can 
>> be turned off or adjusted with configuration settings 
>> 'akka.log-dead-letters' and 'akka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown'.
>> 13:17:28.551UTC INFO [] 
>> akka.cluster.Cluster(akka://APICluster) Cluster(akka://APICluster) - 
>> Cluster Node [akka.tcp://APICluster@node1:2551] - Node 
>> [akka.tcp://APICluster@node1:2551] is JOINING, roles [backend]
>> 13:17:30.195UTC INFO [] 
>> akka.cluster.Cluster(akka://APICluster) Cluster(akka://APICluster) - 
>> Cluster Node [akka.tcp://APICluster@node1:2551] - Node 
>> [akka.tcp://APICluster@node1:41935] is JOINING, roles [frontend]
>> 13:18:02.002UTC INFO [] 
>> akka.cluster.Cluster(akka://APICluster) Cluster(akka://APICluster) - 
>> Cluster Node [akka.tcp://APICluster@node1:2551] - Node 
>> [akka.tcp://APICluster@node2:2581] is JOINING, roles [backend]
>> 13:18:33.390UTC WARN [] 
>> akka.tcp://APICluster@node1:2551/system/endpointManager/reliableEndpointWriter-akka.tcp%3A%2F%2FAPICluster%40node3%3A2591-6
>> ReliableDeliverySupervisor - Association with remote system 
>> [akka.tcp://APICluster@node3:2591] has failed, address is now gated for 
>> [5000] ms. Reason: [Association failed with 
>> [akka.tcp://APICluster@node3:2591]] Caused by: [Connection refused: node3/
>> *Node2*
>> 13:18:02.050UTC INFO [] 
>> akka.cluster.Cluster(akka://APICluster) Cluster(akka://APICluster) - 
>> Cluster Node [akka.tcp://APICluster@node2:2581] - Welcome from 
>> [akka.tcp://APICluster@node1:2551]
>> 13:18:03.239UTC INFO [] 
>> akka.cluster.Cluster(akka://APICluster) Cluster(akka://APICluster) - 
>> Cluster Node [akka.tcp://APICluster@node2:2581] - Leader is moving node 
>> [akka.tcp://APICluster@node2:2581] to [Up]
>> 13:18:03.239UTC INFO [] 
>> akka.cluster.Cluster(akka://APICluster) Cluster(akka://APICluster) - 
>> Cluster Node [akka.tcp://APICluster@node2:2581] - Leader is moving node 
>> [akka.tcp://APICluster@node1:2551] to [Up]
>> 13:18:03.239UTC INFO [] 
>> akka.cluster.Cluster(akka://APICluster) Cluster(akka://APICluster) - 
>> Cluster Node [akka.tcp://APICluster@node2:2581] - Leader is moving node 
>> [akka.tcp://APICluster@node1:41935] to [Up]
>> 13:18:33.399UTC WARN [] 
>> akka.tcp://APICluster@node2:2581/system/endpointManager/reliableEndpointWriter-akka.tcp%3A%2F%2FAPICluster%40node3%3A2591-6
>> ReliableDeliverySupervisor - Association with remote system 
>> [akka.tcp://APICluster@node3:2591] has failed, address is now gated for 
>> [5000] ms. Reason: [Association failed with 
>> [akka.tcp://APICluster@node3:2591]] Caused by: [Connection refused: node3/
>> *Node3*
>> 13:18:32.730UTC WARN [] 
>> akka.tcp://APICluster@node3:2591/system/cluster/core/daemon/downingProvider 
>> AutoDown - Don't use auto-down feature of Akka Cluster in production. See 
>> 'Auto-downing (DO NOT USE)' section of Akka Cluster documentation.
>> 13:18:32.797UTC DEBUG[] 
>> akka.tcp://APICluster@node3:2591/user/heatMapWorker HeatMapWorker - Inside 
>> HeatMapWorker's prestart
>> 13:18:32.985UTC INFO [] 
>> akka.cluster.Cluster(akka://APICluster) Cluster(akka://APICluster) - 
>> Cluster Node [akka.tcp://APICluster@node3:2591] - Metrics collection has 
>> started successfully
>> 14:05:55.480UTC WARN [] 
>> akka.tcp://APICluster@node3:2591/system/endpointManager/reliableEndpointWriter-akka.tcp%3A%2F%2FAPICluster%40node1%3A2551-0
>> ReliableDeliverySupervisor - Association with remote system 
>> [akka.tcp://APICluster@node1:2551] has failed, address is now gated for 
>> [5000] ms. Reason: [Disassociated] 
>> Node 1 & Node 2 keep repeating the same message that association with 
>> node3 failed. And node 3 repeats it on node 1.
>> Thanks for reading this long post. Appreciate your help and time.
>> Thanks,
>> Jegan
>> -- 
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>> >>>>>>>>>> Check the FAQ: 
>> >>>>>>>>>> Search the archives:
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