Dear hakkers,

Today, we are proud and happy to announce the immediate availability of the 
fully stable version of Akka HTTP – 10.0.0, charmingly code named “X” by 
@jonas on gitter!

Please note that while the version number changed significantly, the actual 
surface APIs did not by much. The akka-http-core module was already stable 
back in Akka 2.4, so it remained binary compatible, and the sources for 
akka-http are almost completely compatible with those that were shipped as 
Akka 2.4.11 – you should not have any trouble upgrading.

>From here-on the Akka HTTP releases will respect binary compatibility, as 
expected from stable Akka modules. We will also try out a novel way of 
introducing new APIs, by shipping them in the stable modules however 
marking them as “experimental” or “not-sure-if-we-keep-them” so you’d be 
able to opt-in into those on a case-by case basis. This idea is under 
discussion in the Consider @Experimental / @ApiMayChange markers on APIs 
<> issue on github.

Along with the new version, and stability of all of the modules, we expect 
the community to quickly catch up with releasing the various support 
projects for the new version, such as akka-http-cors 
<>, akka-sse 
<>, akka-http-session 
<>, akka-json 
<>. This includes cross 
releases for Scala 2.12, for which Akka HTTP is now available as well.

The documentation <> is available 
under a separate directory under, and will follow the following 
scheme:[version]/, the usual “current” symlink 
is also available and we recommend using that if linking to Akka 
documentation from external sites such as stack overflow or blogs.

The documentation has moved to the Lightbend Paradox 
<> tool, which allows us to write 
documentation using extended markdown, instead of restructuredtext which we 
found was making it difficult for first time contributors. Thanks a lot, 
@jonas <>, who contributed the biggest part of the 

We are currently working on a redesign of the documentation pages, so they 
will soon get a shiny new look. Please bear with us during the transition 
period. Other projects, like Alpakka, Reactive Kafka have also already 
adopted Paradox, and Akka itself will soon follow as well. We will be able 
to provide very interesting features thanks to Paradox, keep your eyes 
peeled for them soon.

As always, help is very welcome, and if you find a part of the 
documentation you’d like to see improved, please open tickets or send in 
pull requests 
<> directly, 
thanks in advance!

Akka HTTP from here-on will be versioned separately from Akka “core”. The 
original purpose of these projects sharing their version number was that 
Akka HTTP was evolving and providing many real-world requirements for the 
Akka Streams implementation, thus they were developed together. Now that 
both projects are stable, we want to be able to move them more 

The version scheme will follow semantic versioning, breaking changes will 
only be made in major releases (i.e. the next one being 11.0.0). However we 
will also introduce a new way of marking experimental APIs released inside 
existing modules – for a discussion on this please see the issue 
akka/akka-http#3 <>.

The -experimental suffix has now been dropped for all of Akka HTTP’s 
module. During the transition period make sure not to transitively depend 
on old artifacts that still carry the suffix (like akka-http-experimental). 
Otherwise, you could end up with multiple versions of the same classes on 
the classpath.

This version of Akka HTTP depends on Akka *2.4.14*, since some critical 
fixes and improvements were made in the recent version of Akka.

We consider ourselves very lucky that we have such vibrant and helpful 
community around Akka, and Akka HTTP specifically. In recent months we 
started to include more community members in our github teams for the 
various projects (reactive-kafka <>, 
alpakka <>, akka-http), and plan on 
continuing to do so. If you’re interested in becoming part of our extended 
teams, please read: Akka HTTP - stable, growing and tons of opportunity 
<> on akka-meta and keep hakking 

A total 22 issues were closed since the last release candidate, most of the 
work has been fixes, stability improvements and preparing for the upcoming 
stable release.

The complete list of closed issues since the split from Akka 2.4.11 can be 
found on the 3.0.0-RC1 
<>, 10.0.0-RC2 
<>, 10.0.0 
<> as well as the HTTP/2 
PoC <> milestones on 

For this release we had the help of 23 committers – thank you! We continue 
to be amazed by the steady stream of contributions from you all!

commits  added  removed
     89   5496      961 Johannes Rudolph
     32   2584      798 Konrad Malawski
     28  23505    25369 Jonas Fonseca
     14    797      114 Josep Prat
      9    836      243 Robert Budźko
      6    431      272 gosubpl
      4    173      120 Martynas Mickevičius
      3    314       13 Richard Imaoka
      2     37       37 Bernard Leach
      2     70        1 Johan Andrén
      2     53        5 2beaucoup
      2     26       24 Jakub Kozłowski
      1    108      114 Derek Wyatt
      1    176       34 Schmitt Christian
      1     45       33 Wojciech Langiewicz
      1     25        9 Krzysztof Muchewicz
      1      6        6 Stefano Bonetti
      1      6        6 Markus Hauck
      1      4        3 Heiko Seeberger
      1      3        1 jpra
      1      2        1 Jeffrey Warren
      1      1        1 Ian Forsey
      1      1        1 Dale Wijnand

*Happy hakking!*

– The Akka Team

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