
I have a use case where I poll a datasource for items and as long as there are 
items present I process them as quickly as possible, but when there are no 
items, I would like to poll every X seconds. Is there a built-in construct in 
Akka Streams that I can use?

I'm currently using `Source.unfoldAsync` to get the records from the data 
source. One "bad" option is to just call `Thread.sleep(XXX)` inside 
`Source.unfoldAsync` when the datasource returns no results (as demonstrated 
below), but I want to see if there's a better option.

Source.unfoldAsync[NotUsed, Seq[Item]](NotUsed) { _ =>
  service.getItems flatMap { items =>
      if (items.isEmpty) {
        //TODO Fix this!!!
        Thread.sleep(30 * 1000) //30 seconds
      Future.successful(Some((NotUsed, items)))

I can probably improve on the `Thread.sleep(XXX)` by using having some "State" 
object and have smaller waits, but I feel like that's not going to be that much 

Any input is appreciated.



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