Hi team,

I'm using cluster sharding to process request from client.
My entity actor is actually some factory actor, which means it will create 
different actors based on the request parameters, and I will set a name for 
each actor.
Example code as below:

                       if(ricRequestMsg.mAppId == AnalyticsAppId.MKTDIGEST) 
ActorRef appActor = 
getContext().actorOf(Props.create(MktDigestActor.class), "mktdigestactor");
appActor.forward(message, getContext());

The problem is that when it receives the same request message twice, it 
will report exception:
akka.actor.InvalidActorNameException: actor name [mktdigestactor] is not 

And the actor is stopped.

Does that means I can't set the name for the created actor?

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