I am trying to stream large files to an endpoint. To briefly describe what 
this code does : - It generates a valid path, then stream the data to the 
disk, then store metadata.

It works well expect for one thing : The file seems to be stored in memory 
(as well as on the disk). My memory-free collectd metrics keeps going 

Also, it is worth mentioning that the server returns a 503 error even 
though the asynchronous process complete just fine. I could add an onError 
handler but it seems that the future completes OK.

Do I need to cleanup something ? Is there something I am missing / doing 
wrong ?  Any Idea ?

I curl it like that :

curl --form "videos=@81770ea1-6cde-4a61-a63c-d060970e0084.mkv" 

Thanks for the help! :)  

fileUpload("videos") {
            case (metadata, byteSource) =>
              val cdnPath = 
              val mountPoint = resolveBestMountPoint()
              val baseDirectory = s"$mountPoint/$cdnPath/"
              new JavaFile(baseDirectory).mkdirs()
              val baseFilename: String = 
              val file: Path = Paths.get(mountPoint) resolve 
              val futureCopyToDisk: Future[IOResult] = 
              val storeData: Future[(IOResult, Boolean)] = for {
                isCopied <- futureCopyToDisk
                isPersisted <- {
                  val metaDataOverview = 
PersistMetadataOverview(s"/$cdnPath/$baseFilename", baseFilename, 
metadata.contentType, metadata.fileName, isCopied.count, mountPoint)
              } yield (isCopied, isPersisted)
              onSuccess(storeData) { (sum, isPersisted) =>
                (sum.wasSuccessful, isPersisted) match {
                  case (true, true) =>
                    logInfo(s"File successfully stored and persisted to 
                    complete(HttpResponse(StatusCodes.Created, headers = 
                  case (true, false) =>
                  case (false, true) =>
                  case (false, false) =>


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