Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!

On 07/03/17 22:32, Alan Burlison wrote:
I have an Akka HTTP route for a REST API that first checks the base path,
then  checks the user authentication is valid, adds some custom headers and
extracts the base URI before processing the sub-routes. However if the URL
doesn't match any of the sub-routes, request processing "rolls back" to the
authentication step and I get an incorrect message about authentication
​ ​
​I've wrapped the sub-route processing in Route.seal and that ​​
means that I​ now get a "Not Found" ​for nonexistent paths, ​as
required. However the documentation says that Route.seal ​ ​shouldn't
really be needed for application code. Is this a valid use of
Route.seal, or is there a better way to prevent route processing from
"rolling back" past a specified point?​

def route: Route = {
  pathPrefix("rest" / "v1") {
    // If the request authenticates successfully, add the custom headers to the 
    // and extract the base URI we were called with.
    (combinedAuth & respondWithHeaders(versionHeaders) & baseUri ) { (sess, 
baseUri) => {
     // Process valid sub-routes, seal the route so we don't roll back past 
this point.
        pathEndOrSingleSlash { topRoute(sess, baseUri) },
        pathPrefix("users")  { userRoute(sess, baseUri) }

Alan Burlison

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