
   - Distributed cluster with persistence sharded actors. 
   - Persistent actors are setup to Passivate when inactive. 
   - All actors have the Backoff Supervisor wrapping the actual persistent 
   - Shard regions are common across our users

   - At times it's required to reset the actor states 
   - Live actors currently listen to a Distributed Pub/Sub topics for the 
   reset message at which point they reset state and save a snapshot of the 
   - Passivated (sleeping) actors aren't able to listen to the pub/sub 
   - Sending message to restore actor just to reset its state is a needless 
   load on the persistence data store since we could play back 1000s of 
   messages before wiping state. 

   - How can I either send a message or pass a dynamic parameter into a 
   Sharded Persistent Actor so I can disable recovery before the actor starts 
   loading from the data store?



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