I have an actor that I would like to not fail. However there is a 
possibility that a user might call the actor with some problem that results 
in an exception not being thrown. The proscribed way to handle this is to 
fial the actor and have the supervisor restart the actor, however that is 
not a good idea. When this actor starts it loads a ton of data, sometimes 
in the hundreds of megs and holds that data to serve content to the users 
and handle updating the data for users to see. You can think of this actor 
as a large cache. Breaking up the actor is not an option because the data 
has to be cohesive. What I would rather not happen is have the actor be 
restarted at any time unless there is something drastically gone wrong. So 
what do you recommend to do this? I could enclose the recieve in a 
try-catch (indeed that is what i do now) and deal with the exceptions in 
that matter. Is there some other strategy I am missing? 

Thanks in advance. 

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