awaitAssert retries the block until it doesn't throw (or timeout)

fre 31 mars 2017 kl. 15:50 skrev Kilic Ali-Firat <>:

> Hi Akka Team,
> It's again me about the multi-nodes test that I'm doing to validate my
> cluster. I solve my issues about Master-Worker communication but I have a
> really weird behavior in my test. The below piece of code seems to be
> execute 3 three times :
> awaitAssert {
>           /**
>             * Send the job to the master
>             */
>           master ! jobDump
>           /**
>             * Worker must return a JobSuccess
>             */
>           checkAssertionsOnRecord(deviceId)
> }
> Just to be quick, I have two Actors (Master and Worker) with the following
> implements :
> case class Master(totalInstance : Int,routees : scala.collection.immutable
> .Seq[String],nodeRole : Option[String]) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
>   val routerType = RoundRobinGroup(Nil)
>   val clusterGroupSettings = ClusterRouterGroupSettings(totalInstances =
> totalInstance,routeesPaths = routees,allowLocalRoutees = true,useRole =
> nodeRole)
>   val clusterGroup = ClusterRouterGroup(routerType,clusterGroupSettings).
> props()
>   val workerRouter = context.actorOf(clusterGroup, name="workerRouter")
>   def receive = {
>     case jDump : JobDump =>
>       log.debug("Master {} receive from {} following job: {}", self.path,
> sender(), jDump)
>       workerRouter ! jDump
>  }
> }
> case class Worker(awsBucket : String,gapMinValueMicroSec : Long,
> persistentCache: PersistentCache[DeviceId, BCPPackets],referentialService:
> IReferentialService,bffIO : BFF_IO) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
>   def receive = {
>     case jDump: JobDump =>
>       val replyTo = sender()
>"Worker {} receive following job: {}", self.path, jDump)
>       val jobDumpResult = this.executeJobDump(jDump)
>       this.sendJobResultToSender(jDump, jobDumpResult, replyTo)
>  }
> }
> To make easier the debug, I limit the test to one node (this is why I set
> to to true allowLocalRoutees for the Master) like this :
> object FGSClusterSpecConfig extends MultiNodeConfig with LazyLogging {
>   // register the named roles (nodes) of the test
>   val first = role("first")
>   def nodeList = Seq(first)
>   val portOffset = 2551
>   val numberOfPorts = nodeList.size
>   val portList = (portOffset to (portOffset+numberOfPorts)).toList
>     nodeList
>       .zip(portList)
>       .foreach { case (role, port) =>
>       nodeConfig(role) {
>         ConfigFactory.parseString(s"""
>       # Define port for each node configuration
>       akka.remote.netty.tcp.port = $port
>       # Disable legacy metrics in akka-cluster.
>       akka.cluster.metrics.enabled=off
>       # Enable metrics extension in akka-cluster-metrics.
>       akka.extensions=["akka.cluster.metrics.ClusterMetricsExtension"]
>       # Sigar native library extract location during tests.
>       akka.cluster.metrics.native-library-extract-folder=target/native/${
>           """)
>       }
>     }
>   commonConfig(ConfigFactory.parseString(
>     """
> = cluster
>        akka.loglevel=DEBUG
>     """.stripMargin))
> }
> class FGSSpecMultiJvmNode1 extends FGSClusterSpec
> abstract class FGSClusterSpec extends MultiNodeSpec(FGSClusterSpecConfig)
> with WordSpecLikewith Matcherswith BeforeAndAfterAllwith MockitoSugarwith
> ImplicitSenderwith LazyLogging {
>   import FGSClusterSpecConfig._
>   override def initialParticipants: Int = roles.size
>   override def beforeAll() = multiNodeSpecBeforeAll()
>   override def afterAll() = multiNodeSpecAfterAll()
>   val mockReferential = mock[IReferentialService]
>   val workerProps =
>     Worker.props(awsBucket = Val.AWSBUCKET,
>       gapMinValueMicroSec = Val.dummyGapMinValueMicroSec,
>       persistentCache = Val.mockPersistentCache,
>       referentialService = mockReferential,
>       bffIO = Val.bffIO
>     )
>   "A FGS cluster" must {
>     "illustrate how to startup cluster" in within(15 seconds) {
>       Cluster(system).subscribe(testActor, classOf[MemberUp])
>       expectMsgClass(classOf[CurrentClusterState])
>       val firstAddress = node(first).address
>       Cluster(system) join firstAddress
>       val workerActor = system.actorOf(workerProps, name = "worker")
>       val routees = scala.collection.immutable.Seq("/user/worker")
>       system.actorOf(Master.props(1,routees, None), name = "master")
>        receiveN(roles.size)
>         .collect { case MemberUp(m) => m.address }
>         .toSet should be(Set(firstAddress))
>       Cluster(system).unsubscribe(testActor)
>       testConductor.enter("all-up")
>     }
>     "execute a job dump from one node" in within(15.seconds) {
>         """
>           |
> ********************************************************************
>           | BEGIN TEST
>           |
> ********************************************************************
>         """.stripMargin)
>       runOn(first) {
>         val master = system.actorSelection(node(first) / "user" / "master"
> )
>         /**x
>           * Job Dump settings
>           */
>         val deviceId = getClass.getSimpleName
>         val from = Some(0L)
>         val to = Some(10000000L)
>         val jobDump = JobDump(deviceId, from, to)
>         /**
>           * Mock the job dump receive by the master and forward to a worker
>           */
>         val jobRemove = mockJobDump(jobDump)
>         mockRemoveData(jobRemove)
>         awaitAssert {
>           /**
>             * Send the job to the master
>             */
>           master ! jobDump
>           /**
>             * Worker must return a JobSuccess
>             */
>           checkAssertionsOnRecord(deviceId)
>         }
>       }
>       testConductor.enter("done-2")
>     }
>   }
> And now in the logs, I see this :
> [JVM-1] [DEBUG] [03/31/2017 15:36:37.888] [New I/O worker #10]
> [akka.remote.testconductor.PlayerHandler(akka://FGSClusterSpec)] channel
> [id: 0x1df9d48f, / => /] written 13
> [JVM-1] [DEBUG] [03/31/2017 15:36:37.889] [New I/O worker #7]
> [akka.remote.testconductor.ConductorHandler(akka://FGSClusterSpec)] message
> from / GetAddress(RoleName(first))
> [JVM-1] [DEBUG] [03/31/2017 15:36:37.889] [New I/O worker #10]
> [akka.remote.testconductor.PlayerHandler(akka://FGSClusterSpec)] message
> from /
> AddressReply(RoleName(first),akka.tcp://FGSClusterSpec@localhost:2551)
> [JVM-1] [DEBUG] [03/31/2017 15:36:37.941] [
> default-dispatcher-15] [akka.tcp://FGSClusterSpec@localhost:2551/user/master]
> Master akka://FGSClusterSpec/user/master receive from
> Actor[akka://FGSClusterSpec/system/testActor-1#1142810589] following job:
> JobDump(FGSSpecMultiJvmNode1,Some(0),Some(10000000))
> [JVM-1] [INFO] [03/31/2017 15:36:37.942] [
> default-dispatcher-19] [akka.tcp://FGSClusterSpec@localhost:2551/user/worker]
> Worker akka://FGSClusterSpec/user/worker receive following job:
> JobDump(FGSSpecMultiJvmNode1,Some(0),Some(10000000))
> [JVM-1] [DEBUG] [03/31/2017 15:36:38.608] [
> default-dispatcher-19] [akka.tcp://FGSClusterSpec@localhost:2551/user/master]
> Master akka://FGSClusterSpec/user/master receive from
> Actor[akka://FGSClusterSpec/system/testActor-1#1142810589] following job:
> JobDump(FGSSpecMultiJvmNode1,Some(0),Some(10000000))
> [JVM-1] [INFO] [03/31/2017 15:36:38.609] [
> default-dispatcher-19] [akka.tcp://FGSClusterSpec@localhost:2551/user/worker]
> Worker akka://FGSClusterSpec/user/worker receive following job:
> JobDump(FGSSpecMultiJvmNode1,Some(0),Some(10000000))
> [JVM-1] [DEBUG] [03/31/2017 15:36:38.806] [
> default-dispatcher-19] [akka.tcp://FGSClusterSpec@localhost:2551/user/master]
> Master akka://FGSClusterSpec/user/master receive from
> Actor[akka://FGSClusterSpec/system/testActor-1#1142810589] following job:
> JobDump(FGSSpecMultiJvmNode1,Some(0),Some(10000000))
> [JVM-1] [INFO] [03/31/2017 15:36:38.807] [
> default-dispatcher-2] [akka.tcp://FGSClusterSpec@localhost:2551/user/worker]
> Worker akka://FGSClusterSpec/user/worker receive following job:
> JobDump(FGSSpecMultiJvmNode1,Some(0),Some(10000000))
> The master receive *the same message three times* and I really cannot
> understand why. I limit the tests to one node so I'm expecting to get only
> one job to execute, not three like now.  Is it the way to write my test
> which is wrong or something else ?
> --
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