funny, I was looking into this yesterday!
I am by no means an expert, but I think that what it is happening is the 
application/json implies UTF-8: if you look at the MediaType class from 
akka http you se the declaration:

val `application/json` = awfc("json", HttpCharsets.`UTF-8`, "json")

second,  get the data from your service with curl/wget and have a look. 
When I did in my experiment the data in the file was correctly rendered as 

now, why non-ascii characters are messed up when you look at it in the 
browser? I think that the browser is trying to render json as HTML, and 
since the data is not html it defaults to HTML default encoding, which is 
ISO-8859-1 (, so it renders 
your data incorrectly.

In conclusion I believe that is not akka http at fault, but the default 
behavior of all web browser (I saw it on chrome and safari): your data is 
fine, it is just displayed wrongly when you look at it in a browser


On Friday, May 5, 2017 at 12:40:30 AM UTC-7, Thibault Meyer wrote:
> Hello,
> I dont find how to set the content type to "*application/json; 
> charset=UTF-8*" with the *completeOKWithFuture* and Jackson marshaller. 
> Currently, Akka Http return the Content-Type "application/json" without 
> specifying the charset. So in some browsers (like Opera or Chrome) the 
> output text is not good.
> get(() -> {
>   final MessageDispatcher dispatcher = akkaSystem.dispatchers().lookup(
> "application.dispatcher");
>   return completeOKWithFuture(CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
>     final Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>();
>     result.put("trackingNumber", trackingNumber);
>     ArrayList<Map<String, String>> status;
>     if (this.cache == null) {
>       status = TrackingCrawler.parseDocument(trackingNumber);
>     } else {
>       status = this.cache.readFromCache("tracking." + trackingNumber);
>       if (status == null) {
>         status = TrackingCrawler.parseDocument(trackingNumber);
>         this.cache.writeToCache(
>           "tracking." + trackingNumber,
>           status
>         );
>       }
>     }
>     result.put("status", status);
>     return result;
>   }, dispatcher).exceptionally(ex -> {
>     LOG.error("Something goes wrong", ex);
>     return new HashMap<>();
>   }), Jackson.marshaller());
> })
> Sincerly.

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