
I have a MasterActor where a router is defined and that is where I defined 
the following supervisionStrategy:

 override val supervisorStrategy =  OneForOneStrategy() {
       case _: FileNotFoundException => 
       println("******  Failed actor in FileNotFound: " + sender)

I then passed this supervisionStrategy to the router:

val router = context.actorOf(RemoteRouterConfig(RoundRobinPool(3, 
addresses).props(Props(classOf[MapActor], reduceActor)), "router")

I think this part is right, based on the Akka documentation. 

I have 2 issues so far:

Issue #1:

I noticed that sender is deadLetters in the print statement.  Why is that? 
 I expected sender to be one of the routees.

Issue #2:

I put a print statement in the postRestart method and I see that only one 
routee is restarted when a FileNotFound exception is encountered and the 
processing of the continues.  That seems like the correct behavior

If I change the supervisorStrategy to Stop (shown below), I see that ALL 
actors stop and I do not ANY processing taking place, at all.  I expected 
to see processing occur by all actors.   When the failed actor hits the 
FileNotFound exception, I thought that ONLY that actor should be stopped 
and the others should continue processing.  

override val supervisorStrategy =  OneForOneStrategy() {
       case _: FileNotFoundException => 
       println("******  Failed actor in FileNotFound: " + sender)

Given the above observations, I am afraid I have not set this up properly. 
 Thanks in advance

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