
I need some advice.

The following situation (Akka 2.5.2):

I have an ActorSystem on one host (host0) and another ActorSystem on 
another host (host1).

host0 is assumed to always be online and available.
host0 does not know the ip address or hostname of host1 (DNS).
host0 cannot make connection to host1 due to firewall restrictions but it 
uses the passive mode functionality.

host1 knows the hostname of host0.
host1 connects to a specific actor on host0 via actorSelection.

host0 watches the connecting actor of host1 and vise versa.
Initially this works all well.

But after host1 goes down (network cable plugged or whatever) and wants to 
reconnect to host0 via actorSelection it's not possible.
host1 logs: "Error resolving remote Actor: Actor not found for: 
ActorSelection[Anchor(akka.tcp://system@host0:port/), Path(somepath)]
host0 logs: "ReliableDeliverySupervisor - Assiciation with remote system 
[akka.tcp://system@host1:port] has failed, address is now gated for [5000] 
ms. Caused by: [No response from remote for outbound association. Associate 
timed out after [15000 ms]]

host1 retries every so often. from the second attempt on the error message 
on host0 is:
"ReliableDeliverySupervisor - Assiciation with remote system 
[akka.tcp://system@host1:port] has failed, address is now gated for [5000] 
ms. Caused by: [host1: Name or service not known]

host1 can only reconnect, if host0 is re-started.

I'd like to understand what happens here.
Why is host1 unable to reconnect. Or actually, why does host0 not 'allow' 
the reconnection.
Now, I've read about the Lifecycle and Failure recovery model. Can it be 
that the link to host1 is quarantined on host0?
Why the error message "Name or service not known", if previously the 
connection worked?


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>>>>>>>>>>      Check the FAQ: 
>>>>>>>>>> http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/additional/faq.html
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