I've got an Akka Streams Flow pattern that I've wanted to implement a few 
times in the past, but haven't been successful in finding a clean and 
simple solution that works, usually resulting in some kind of refactoring 
for a different approach. I'm now enhancing existing code and would like to 
change it as little as possible, but am at a loss for how.

The interface I'd like to conform to is: 

trait SparseIndexLoader[PATH] {
  def insertTsQueryRecordsForPath: Flow[PATH, Int, NotUsed]

Currently, we have only one concrete implementation of SparseIndexLoader, 
but I'd like to create a composite instance that

   - accepts zero or more SparseIndexLoader instances to delegate to. Each 
   instance will contain different business logic.
   - broadcasts each inbound PATH message to all delegate SparseIndexLoader 
   - merges the delegate SparseIndexLoader flow outputs into one aggregated 

Is there a way to do this with relative ease? I've looked at Source.combine 
and Sink.combine with CoupledTerminationFlow.fromSinkAndSource, but I 
struggle with figuring how to work around the need for Source and Sink only 
within the composition. This feels like a general purpose pattern that 
someone probably has already solved, but I'm failing to find it.

Thank you,

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