Hi all,

I am new to akka-streams - I've just set up a basic pipeline which consumes 
from a messaging queue and then does some processing on the stream.
But after running for a while, the application ceases to process messages, 
apparently because the downstream has been "cancelled" and 
onDownstreamFinish has been called on the source.

I just want to know what the reason for this might be? What would cause the 
downstream to be cancelled?

For context, my pipeline is very simple - it looks like this: 

def source: Source[MyMessage, NotUsed] = ....
def messageHandler(message: MyMessage): Future[Unit] = {
  val result = .... // Some code here which processes the message and 
returns a Future[Unit] 
  result.recoverWith {
    case _ => Future.successful()
def pipeline = source.mapAsync(10)(messageHandler)

Note that the use of recoverWith means that the message handler will always 
return a future which completes successfully - even if an exception is 
thrown somewhere.

Is anyone able to offer some advice / insight into what might be happening?


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>>>>>>>>>>      Check the FAQ: 
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