Are you seeing this once, or are you seeing this slowness in steady-state?
>From the log, this looks like it's the first call -- the shard doesn't
exist, and the system is still setting up.  That *can* take a while, yes:
it's not just allocating one Actor, it's probably allocating several in a
hierarchy.  But once the system is in reasonably steady-state, in my
experience, it's much faster than that.

In general, sending one message isn't going to give you an accurate view of
anything -- sending several thousand messages, to several hundred Actors,
is going to give you a much more realistic understanding of how long things

On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 12:22 AM, Chaohua Yuan <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to build a backend system with akka cluster and cluster
> sharding. Everything goes well except the performance issue when using akka
> cluster sharding.
> It seems creating the actor with shard region actor is extremely slow(The
> shard actor is created when call region actor tell.). Have any one met this
> issue before or it is some thing the sharding works.
> My test actor in JAVA ...
> public class AuthService extends BaseService {
>     public AuthService(ActorRef serviceActor) {
>         super(serviceActor);
>     }
>     @Override
>     public Receive createReceive() {
>         return receiveBuilder()
>                 .match(AuthRequest.class, authRequest -> {
>                     getContext().system().log().info("Get auth request from 
> client {}", authRequest.getToken());
>                     this.getServiceActor().tell(authRequest, getSender());
>                 }).build();
>     }
>     public static void config(ActorSystem system) {
>         ClusterSharding.get(system)
>                 .start(AuthServiceActor.SHARD,
>                         Props.create(AuthServiceActor.class, 
> AuthServiceActor::new),
>                         ClusterShardingSettings.create(system),
>                         AuthServiceActor.shardExtractor()
>                 );
>         ActorRef actorRef = 
> ClusterSharding.get(system).shardRegion(AuthServiceActor.SHARD);
>         ActorRef authService = system.actorOf(Props.create(AuthService.class, 
> actorRef), "authService");
>         ClusterClientReceptionist.get(system).registerService(authService);
>     }
> }
> The sharding actor:
> public class AuthServiceActor extends AbstractActor {
>     public static final String SHARD = "authService";
>     @Override
>     public void preStart() throws Exception {
>         super.preStart();
>         getContext().system().log().info("Auth service start, {}", 
> getSelf().path());
>     }
>     @Override
>     public void postStop() throws Exception {
>         super.postStop();
>         getContext().system().log().info("Auth service stop {}", 
> getSelf().path());
> }
>     public Receive createReceive() {
>         return receiveBuilder()
>                 .match(AuthRequest.class, authRequest -> {
>                     getContext().system().log().info("Receive auth message 
> from user {}", authRequest.getToken());
>                     // No logic here, return back token as name and id.
>                     String userId = authRequest.getToken();
>                     ActorRef sender = getSender();
>                     sender.tell(new AuthResponse(userId, userId), getSelf());
>                     getContext().system().log().info("Send back auth response 
> {}", userId);
>                 })
>                 .build();
>     }
>     public static ShardRegion.MessageExtractor shardExtractor() {
>         return new AuthServiceActor.AuthServiceShardMessageExtractor();
>     }
>     private static class AuthServiceShardMessageExtractor extends 
> ShardRegion.HashCodeMessageExtractor {
>         private static final int shardNumber = 64;
>         AuthServiceShardMessageExtractor() {
>             super(shardNumber);
>         }
>         @Override
>         public String entityId(Object o) {
>             if (o instanceof AuthRequest) {
>                 return ((AuthRequest) o).getToken();
>             }
>             return null;
>         }
>     }
> }
> User Actor
> public class UserActor extends AbstractActor {
>     public final static String SHARD = "User";
>     private ActorRef sessionActor;
>     @Override
>     public void preStart() throws Exception {
>         super.preStart();
> getContext().setReceiveTimeout(scala.concurrent.duration.Duration.create(300, 
> TimeUnit.SECONDS));
>         getContext().system().log().info("User actor start {}", 
> self().path());
>     }
>     @Override
>     public void postStop() throws Exception {
>         super.postStop();
>         getContext().system().log().info("User actor stop", self().path());
>     }
>     @Override
>     public Receive createReceive() {
>         return receiveBuilder().match(RegisterSession.class, registerSession 
> -> {
>             ActorRef sender = getSender();
>                 getContext().system().log().info("Send register success 
> message to current session actor {}", sessionActor.path());
>                 getSender().tell(true, getSelf());
>         }).
> public class UserService extends BaseService {
>     public UserService(ActorRef serviceActor) {
>         super(serviceActor);
>     }
>     public static void config(ActorSystem system) {
>         ActorRef userActor = ClusterSharding.get(system)
>                 .start(UserActor.SHARD,
>                         Props.create(UserActor.class, UserActor::new),
>                         ClusterShardingSettings.create(system),
>                         UserActor.shardExtractor()
>                 );
>         ActorRef actorRef = 
> ClusterSharding.get(system).shardRegion(UserActor.SHARD);
>         ActorRef userService = system.actorOf(Props.create(UserService.class, 
> actorRef), "userService");
>         ClusterClientReceptionist.get(system).registerService(userService);
>     }
>     @Override
>     public Receive createReceive() {
>         return receiveBuilder()
>                 .match(RegisterSession.class, registerSession -> {
>                     getContext().system().log().info("Get register message {} 
> from actor {}", registerSession.getUserId(), registerSession.getActorRef());
>                     this.getServiceActor().tell(registerSession, getSender());
>                  xxxxx
>     }
> }
> The log in the cluser:
> [INFO] [07/14/2017 12:13:27.306] [NettyServerClusterSharding-
> []
> Get auth request from client testtesttest
> [DEBUG] [07/14/2017 12:13:27.307] [NettyServerClusterSharding-
>] [akka.tcp://NettyServerCluster
> Sharding@] Starting entity
> [testtesttest] in shard [10]
> [INFO] [07/14/2017 12:13:27.307] [NettyServerClusterSharding-
> []
> Auth service start, akka://NettyServerClusterSharding/
> system/sharding/authService/10/testtesttest
> [INFO] [07/14/2017 12:13:27.307] [NettyServerClusterSharding-
> []
> Receive auth message from user testtesttest
> [INFO] [07/14/2017 12:13:27.307] [NettyServerClusterSharding-
> []
> Send back auth response testtesttest
> [INFO] [07/14/2017 12:13:27.309] [NettyServerClusterSharding-
> []
> Get register message testtesttest from actor Actor[akka.tcp://
> NettyServerClusterSharding@
> 2016505524]
> [DEBUG] [07/14/2017 12:13:27.309] [NettyServerClusterSharding-
>] [akka.tcp://NettyServerCluster
> Sharding@] Request shard [330] home
> [DEBUG] [07/14/2017 12:13:27.511] [NettyServerClusterSharding-
>] [akka.tcp://NettyServerCluster
> Sharding@
> coordinator] Shard [330] allocated at [Actor[akka://
> NettyServerClusterSharding/system/sharding/User#2032659771
> <(203)%20265-9771>]]
> [DEBUG] [07/14/2017 12:13:27.511] [NettyServerClusterSharding-
>] [akka.tcp://NettyServerCluster
> Sharding@] Host Shard [330]
> [DEBUG] [07/14/2017 12:13:27.511] [NettyServerClusterSharding-
>] [akka.tcp://NettyServerCluster
> Sharding@] Starting shard [330] in
> region
> [DEBUG] [07/14/2017 12:13:27.512] [NettyServerClusterSharding-
>] [akka.tcp://NettyServerCluster
> Sharding@] Shard [330] located at
> [Actor[akka://NettyServerClusterSharding/system/sharding/User#2032659771
> <(203)%20265-9771>]]
> [DEBUG] [07/14/2017 12:13:27.512] [NettyServerClusterSharding-
>] [akka.tcp://NettyServerCluster
> Sharding@] Shard was initialized 330
> [DEBUG] [07/14/2017 12:13:27.512] [NettyServerClusterSharding-
>] [akka.tcp://NettyServerCluster
> Sharding@] Deliver [1] buffered
> messages for shard [330]
> [DEBUG] [07/14/2017 12:13:27.512] [NettyServerClusterSharding-
>] [akka.tcp://NettyServerCluster
> Sharding@] Starting entity
> [testtesttest] in shard [330]
> [INFO] [07/14/2017 12:13:27.512] [NettyServerClusterSharding-
> []
> User actor start akka://NettyServerClusterSharding/
> system/sharding/User/330/testtesttest
> As you can see it cost 200 ms to allocate the actor in the coordinator.
> If i increase the client number, the time some times increased to more
> than 1s.
> Totally not acceptable in high volume application.
> Anyone knows why the ActorRef actorRef = ClusterSharding.get(system).
> shardRegion(UserActor.SHARD)
> actorRef tell is so slow in cluster sharding?
> The config file
> include "application"
> akka {
>    loglevel = "DEBUG"
>   remote {
>     netty.tcp {
>       hostname = ""
>       port = 2556
>     }
>   }
>  cluster {
>     seed-nodes = [
>       "akka.tcp://NettyServerClusterSharding@"]
>     roles = [clusterService]
>   }
>   cluster.sharding.state-store-mode = persistence
>     persistence {
>       journal.plugin = "akka-contrib-mongodb-persistence-journal"
>       snapshot-store.plugin = "akka-contrib-mongodb-persistence-snapshot"
>     }
>     contrib.persistence.mongodb.mongo {
>       mongouri = "mongodb://"
>       journal-collection = "journal"
>       snaps-collection = "snapshots"
>     }
> }
> akka.cluster.role {
>   clusterService.min-nr-of-members = 1
> }
> akka.cluster.sharding.role = "clusterService"
> Thanks
> --
> >>>>>>>>>> Read the docs:
> >>>>>>>>>> Check the FAQ:
> current/additional/faq.html
> >>>>>>>>>> Search the archives:
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