
I searched around the mailing list and forums for my specific 
clarifications. I got partial answers via below discussion 

But, in my case, its a full partition and healing (think of it more like 
the switch connecting nodes of cluster is deliberately rebooted and 
communication blackout among akka nodes can last in order of minutes - 
minimum 5 minutes). In that context, I have following 

*Context : *
Akka version - 2.4.7
Usage        - Basic clustering - no sharding / singleton usage
Cluster size - 3 nodes (separate VMs)
Scenario     - communications between all nodes to be broken and restored 
after 4 minutes by a deliberate network partition
No JVM restarts involved
Not using special features like SBR

*Clarifications :*

a) When communications is broken all nodes will obviously go into suspicion 
about their peers and report UNREACHABILITY - this is understandable. But, 
will eventually nodes start marking each other as DOWN locally even if 
auto-downing is off for above scenario because of very long duration of 
network blackout in my case ? 

b) if above is not true is then I assume cluster will start functionaing 
normally after 4 minutes when the communications are restored without any 
nodes being quarantined / downed- is this correct ?

Thanks in advance



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