You're welcome. Yes, you are supposed to register (start) the sharding on
all nodes (or nodes with a certain role). The coordinator is a Cluster
Singleton, i.e. running on oldest node (when you have started it). Other
nodes try to register to the coordinator at the oldest node.

tis 1 aug. 2017 kl. 16:45 skrev Stephen Kennedy <>:

> Thanks for the prompt reply. As hoped it has instantly made me realize the
> error of our ways.
> Our application bootstrap code was over using lazy val's, so as you
> suggest we weren't actually calling ClusterSharding.start until that node
> needed the ActorRef.
> So I can further my understanding, could you explain the logic regarding
> api-1 / api-2 assuming the coordinator is on api-0 - even though it hasn't
> registered a ShardRegion yet?
> Is it that all nodes in the cluster are required to call
> ClusterSharding.start? Reading docs a bit more it sounds like that is the
> case, as if we wanted to only run on a sub-group of nodes we should use
> roles.
> Thanks again for helping out.
> On Tuesday, 1 August 2017 14:56:33 UTC+1, Patrik Nordwall wrote:
>> Looks like ClusterSharding.start is missing at startup of api-0. Are you
>> sure that you do that when the ActorSystem has been started and not lazily
>> on first request?
>> Enable debug level logging and you should see what it is doing. You
>> should see log entries in api-0 at startup.
>> /Patrik
> tis 1 aug. 2017 kl. 15:39 skrev Stephen Kennedy <>:
> As a follow up, I've now just ruled out any kubernetes networking issue by
>>> recreating the same behaviour running 3 nodes via docker-compose instead -
>>> again it only works if an API call hits the first node in seed-nodes list.
>>> On Tuesday, 1 August 2017 14:11:07 UTC+1, Stephen Kennedy wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Seeing some strange issues running Cluster Sharded actors in a
>>>> kubernetes environment.
>>>> We are currently running a 3 node akka cluster, with our app running
>>>> within a docker container within a kubernetes stateful set (similar to the
>>>> akka-seed set described here
>>>> <>).
>>>> The nodes are all akka-http API servers, which run behind a HTTP load
>>>> balancer, and use akka-persistence for our domain entities. So we use
>>>> cluster sharding to ensure that each entity can only live on a single node
>>>> at once.
>>>> So the cluster config of our akka nodes looks something like this:
>>>> akka {
>>>>   remote {
>>>>     enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"]
>>>>     netty.tcp {
>>>>       hostname = ${POD_NAME}.api
>>>>       port = 2551
>>>>     }
>>>>   }
>>>>   cluster {
>>>>     seed-nodes = [
>>>>       "akka.tcp://actor-sys...@api-0.api:2551",
>>>>       "akka.tcp://actor-sys...@api-1.api:2551",
>>>>       "akka.tcp://actor-sys...@api-2.api:2551"
>>>>     ]
>>>>   }
>>>> }
>>>> Where "api" is the kubernetes service (which provides DNS mapping) and
>>>> "api-0/1/2" are the consistent pod names that using a stateful set gives
>>>> us. Using the default sharding config.
>>>> And within the code we have a number of calls to ClusterSharding.start
>>>> - for each type of our sharded entity actors. We then only fire a message
>>>> to these actors when an appropriate API call comes in.
>>>> Now when the nodes come up they all consistently connect to the cluster
>>>> properly, and I see gossip messages suggesting they all know about each
>>>> other, but we are then seeing communication issues on the Cluster Sharded
>>>> actors.
>>>> As far as I can tell, if the first API request for a particular type of
>>>> entity comes into api-1 or api-2, it often fails because that node is
>>>> unable to communicate with the coordinator - which it seems to think is on
>>>> api-0.
>>>> From api-1:
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:22:15.253 DEBUG -
>>>> http://xxxxxxxxxxx/envelopes - HttpMethod(GET) - Starting
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:23:05.336 WARN  akka.cluster.sharding.ShardRegion -
>>>> Trying to register to coordinator at
>>>> [Some(ActorSelection[Anchor(akka.tcp://actor-sys...@api-0.api:2551/),
>>>> Path(/system/sharding/EnvelopeShardCoordinator/singleton/coordinator)])],
>>>> but no acknowledgement. Total [10] buffered messages.
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:23:07.336 WARN  akka.cluster.sharding.ShardRegion -
>>>> Trying to register to coordinator at
>>>> [Some(ActorSelection[Anchor(akka.tcp://actor-sys...@api-0.api:2551/),
>>>> Path(/system/sharding/EnvelopeShardCoordinator/singleton/coordinator)])],
>>>> but no acknowledgement. Total [10] buffered messages.
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:23:09.336 WARN  akka.cluster.sharding.ShardRegion -
>>>> Trying to register to coordinator at
>>>> [Some(ActorSelection[Anchor(akka.tcp://actor-sys...@api-0.api:2551/),
>>>> Path(/system/sharding/EnvelopeShardCoordinator/singleton/coordinator)])],
>>>> but no acknowledgement. Total [10] buffered messages.
>>>> akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException: Ask timed out on
>>>> [Actor[akka://actor-system/system/sharding/EnvelopeShard#92546893]] after
>>>> [15000 ms]. Sender[null] sent message of type
>>>> "com.goodlord.server.domain.envelope.EnvelopeAggregate$Protocol$Get".
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:23:10.344 DEBUG -
>>>> http://xxxxxxxxxxx/envelopes - HttpMethod(GET) - 500 Internal Server
>>>> Error
>>>> The trying to register log lines are then repeated forever and if more
>>>> API calls come into this node (for this shard) the buffered count just goes
>>>> up. Logging into the
>>>> However, if we subsequently hit the API and the load balancer chooses
>>>> api-0, then it works and also seems to initialize the coordinator (which
>>>> then triggers api-1 to register which clears it's backlog):
>>>> From api-0:
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:25:05.902 DEBUG -
>>>> http://xxxxxxxxxxx/envelopes - HttpMethod(GET) - Starting
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:25:05.932 INFO  a.c.s.ClusterSingletonManager - Singleton
>>>> manager starting singleton actor
>>>> [akka://actor-system/system/sharding/EnvelopeShardCoordinator/singleton]
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:25:05.933 DEBUG akka.cluster.ddata.Replicator - Received
>>>> Get for key [EnvelopeShardCoordinatorState]
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:25:07.338 DEBUG a.c.sharding.DDataShardCoordinator -
>>>> ShardRegion registered: [Actor[akka.tcp://actor-sys...@api-1.api
>>>> :2551/system/sharding/EnvelopeShard#92546893]]
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:25:07.339 DEBUG akka.cluster.ddata.Replicator - Received
>>>> Update for key [EnvelopeShardCoordinatorState]
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:25:07.341 DEBUG a.c.sharding.DDataShardCoordinator - The
>>>> coordinator state was successfully updated with
>>>> ShardRegionRegistered(Actor[akka.tcp://actor-sys...@api-1.api
>>>> :2551/system/sharding/EnvelopeShard#92546893])
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:25:07.341 DEBUG akka.cluster.ClusterRemoteWatcher -
>>>> Watching:
>>>> [akka://actor-system/system/sharding/EnvelopeShardCoordinator/singleton/coordinator
>>>> -> akka.tcp://actor-sys...@api-1.api
>>>> :2551/system/sharding/EnvelopeShard]
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:25:07.345 DEBUG akka.cluster.ddata.Replicator - Received
>>>> Update for key [EnvelopeShardCoordinatorState]
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:25:07.348 DEBUG a.c.sharding.DDataShardCoordinator - The
>>>> coordinator state was successfully updated with
>>>> ShardHomeAllocated(22,Actor[akka.tcp://actor-sys...@api-1.api
>>>> :2551/system/sharding/EnvelopeShard#92546893])
>>>> From api-1:
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:25:07.336 WARN  akka.cluster.sharding.ShardRegion -
>>>> Trying to register to coordinator at
>>>> [Some(ActorSelection[Anchor(akka.tcp://actor-sys...@api-0.api:2551/),
>>>> Path(/system/sharding/EnvelopeShardCoordinator/singleton/coordinator)])],
>>>> but no acknowledgement. Total [10] buffered messages.
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:25:07.342 DEBUG akka.cluster.ClusterRemoteWatcher -
>>>> Watching: [akka://actor-system/system/sharding/EnvelopeShard ->
>>>> akka.tcp://actor-sys...@api-0.api
>>>> :2551/system/sharding/EnvelopeShardCoordinator/singleton/coordinator]
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:25:07.342 WARN  akka.cluster.sharding.ShardRegion - Retry
>>>> request for shard [22] homes from coordinator at
>>>> [Actor[akka.tcp://actor-sys...@api-0.api:2551/system/sharding/EnvelopeShardCoordinator/singleton/coordinator#1730016074]].
>>>> [1] buffered messages.
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:25:07.342 WARN  akka.cluster.sharding.ShardRegion - Retry
>>>> request for shard [13] homes from coordinator at
>>>> [Actor[akka.tcp://actor-sys...@api-0.api:2551/system/sharding/EnvelopeShardCoordinator/singleton/coordinator#1730016074]].
>>>> [1] buffered messages.
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:25:07.343 WARN  akka.cluster.sharding.ShardRegion - Retry
>>>> request for shard [16] homes from coordinator at
>>>> [Actor[akka.tcp://actor-sys...@api-0.api:2551/system/sharding/EnvelopeShardCoordinator/singleton/coordinator#1730016074]].
>>>> [1] buffered messages.
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:25:07.343 WARN  akka.cluster.sharding.ShardRegion - Retry
>>>> request for shard [6] homes from coordinator at
>>>> [Actor[akka.tcp://actor-sys...@api-0.api:2551/system/sharding/EnvelopeShardCoordinator/singleton/coordinator#1730016074]].
>>>> [2] buffered messages.
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:25:07.343 WARN  akka.cluster.sharding.ShardRegion - Retry
>>>> request for shard [29] homes from coordinator at
>>>> [Actor[akka.tcp://actor-sys...@api-0.api:2551/system/sharding/EnvelopeShardCoordinator/singleton/coordinator#1730016074]].
>>>> [1] buffered messages.
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:25:07.343 WARN  akka.cluster.sharding.ShardRegion - Retry
>>>> request for shard [20] homes from coordinator at
>>>> [Actor[akka.tcp://actor-sys...@api-0.api:2551/system/sharding/EnvelopeShardCoordinator/singleton/coordinator#1730016074]].
>>>> [1] buffered messages.
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:25:07.344 WARN  akka.cluster.sharding.ShardRegion - Retry
>>>> request for shard [21] homes from coordinator at
>>>> [Actor[akka.tcp://actor-sys...@api-0.api:2551/system/sharding/EnvelopeShardCoordinator/singleton/coordinator#1730016074]].
>>>> [2] buffered messages.
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:25:07.344 WARN  akka.cluster.sharding.ShardRegion - Retry
>>>> request for shard [10] homes from coordinator at
>>>> [Actor[akka.tcp://actor-sys...@api-0.api:2551/system/sharding/EnvelopeShardCoordinator/singleton/coordinator#1730016074]].
>>>> [1] buffered messages.
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:25:07.353 DEBUG akka.cluster.sharding.ShardRegion - Shard
>>>> [22] located at
>>>> [Actor[akka://actor-system/system/sharding/EnvelopeShard#92546893]]
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:25:07.354 DEBUG akka.cluster.sharding.ShardRegion - Shard
>>>> [13] located at
>>>> [Actor[akka://actor-system/system/sharding/EnvelopeShard#92546893]]
>>>> 2017-08-01 12:25:07.362 DEBUG akka.cluster.sharding.ShardRegion - Shard
>>>> [16] located at
>>>> [Actor[akka://actor-system/system/sharding/EnvelopeShard#92546893]]
>>>> So it seems to me that the initial call to ClusterSharding.start
>>>> doesn't actually do the registration of all shard regions on the cluster
>>>> and that it is only when we subsequently fire a message to the shard region
>>>> that the initialization occurs.
>>>> Is this expected behaviour? Or have we got something wrong with the
>>>> initialization of our app?
>>>> Sure enough if I hack together some code to fire a random message to
>>>> the shard on startup then all our problems go away.
>>>> Thanks in advance for any help here - don't have a great deal of
>>>> experience with akka clustering so I'm sure we've done something stupid
>>>> somewhere.
>>>> Cheers!
>>>> Stephen
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