On 26 September 2017 at 10:47:44, Fabio Tiriticco (fabio.eur...@gmail.com)

Hi all,
I noticed that the Framing flow of Akka Streams tends to stop the stream
without letting the outer world know. In essence, the stream just stops and
supervision is not triggered.

It propagates errors through the stream, as defined by the reactive-streams
spec as well as documented in the docs.


Error handling examples are documented here, and I think we should add
.log() as an example there which I’ll do now:
http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.5.4/scala/stream/stream-error.html (first

I agree though that it can be confusing to newcomers to streaming
libraries, and there is a ticket about it
https://github.com/akka/akka/issues/23501 feel free to read through and
comment or provide a PR if you’d like to help getting this shipped.

The details of my findings are here:

This link does not work.

Is this behaviour desired? I am either missing something or this seems to
make the system a little less reactive ;)

It is desired. Failures are propagated *through* the stream, and if you
want to log things, do so using the log() element, as as in my proposal
above, terminal stages or an option are currently being considered to
enable more verbose logging.

In practice logging at every stage that is failing would be overly verbose,
and we’ve had this in the past, where stream tear-down would cause users to
panic, while the tear-down was expected and completely fine.

I would like to ask you to refrain from such sarcasm when asking for help,
as a) this has nothing to do with something being reactive or not and b)
I’m not sure being sarcastic will help you receive the help you’re asking
for in a public forum. Being polite will get you more help, and make this a
nicer space to collaborate in, thanks.

Konrad `kto.so` Malawski
Akka <http://akka.io> @ Lightbend <http://lightbend.com>

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