Check if sink.lazySink.lazyInit() doesn't do what you want.

Akka Team

On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 12:59 AM, Jason Steenstra-Pickens <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I seem to be encountering a reoccurring problem when using Akka Streams
> and haven't found the right client API to use to solve it.
> The problem usually translates into:
>    - I have some possibly infinite Source
>    - I want to split it into multiple inner Sources based on some
>    condition such as delimiter, count, or whatever
>    - I then want to create a Sink for each inner Source dynamically and
>    run each inner Flow
>    - I want the backpressure, errors, completion, cancellation and stuff
>    like that to be shared between the outer Flow and the inner Flow
> There are a few things come close but all seem to be for a slightly
> different use case, such as:
>    - splitAt / splitWhen
>    - lazy / lazyInit
>    - the various hubs
> Here is a concrete example:
>    1. Reading a file in 8KB parts
>    2. Splitting the first 625 parts into a separate stream as a "chunk"
>    3. Create a HTTP source that has a URL containing the chunk number
>    4. Send the 625 parts to that source
>    5. Take the next chunk from step 2
> An attempt using a SubFlow looks like:
>     val chunkSize = fileResponse.chunkSize
>     val partsPerChunk = chunkSize / partSize
>     val counts = Source {
>       for {
>         chunk <- 1 to Int.MaxValue
>         part <- 1 to partsPerChunk
>       } yield (chunk, part)
>     }
>     val source = FileIO.fromPath(filePath, partSize)
>       .zip(counts)
>       .splitAfter({ next =>
>         val (_, (_, part)) = next
>         part == partsPerChunk
>       })
> This is quite nice but then there doesn't seem to be a way of getting to
> the inner Flow even if I were to create a custom Sink.
> It would be really awesome if SubFlow had a function like:
>   def to[M](f: Out => Graph[SinkShape[Out], M]): C
> (although probably without the materialised value since there would be
> multiple).
> Is there something obvious that I am missing?
> Cheers,
> Jason
> --
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