I tried your code and it doesn't OOM for me. Have you tried it outside of a 
test suite? It might be that the test infrastructure is collecting all the 
data when you use something as `reponse.entity`.  If that doesn't 
help,  try capturing a heap dump on OOM and see where the memory is spent.


On Wednesday, November 8, 2017 at 11:01:18 AM UTC+1, Jozsef Zsido wrote:
> Hi,
> Not much code I have, basically I took a sample for akka-http proxy: 
> https://gist.github.com/kovacshuni/afb7d53f40f501d0ab82
> trait BrowseServerRoutes3 {
>   implicit val system = ActorSystem("Browse")
>   implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
>   implicit val ec = system.dispatcher
>   val proxy = Route { context =>
>     val request = context.request
>     println("Processing " + request)
>     val flow = Http(system).outgoingConnection("", 80)
>     Source.single(context.request)
>       .map {
>         _.withHeaders(HttpUtils.completeHeaderList(request))
>           .withUri(request.uri.path.toString())
>       }
>       .via(flow)
>       .runWith(Sink.head)
>       .flatMap(f => {
>         context.complete(f)
>       })
>   }
> }
> object BrowseServer extends App with BrowseServerRoutes3 {
>   val binding = Http(system).bindAndHandle(handler = proxy, interface = 
> "", port = 8080)
>   println(s"Server online.")
> }
> "Download" should "return OK" in {
>   Get("/test/huge_MP3WRAP.mp3") ~> proxy ~> check {
>     response.status shouldEqual StatusCodes.OK
>   }
> }
> The first problem I have with this code is that I have a 2GB file at the 
> destination and I get the following exception:
> EntityStreamSizeException: actual entity size (Some(2272610895)) exceeded 
> content length limit (8388608 bytes)! You can configure this by setting 
> `akka.http.[server|client].parsing.max-content-length` or calling 
> `HttpEntity.withSizeLimit` before materializing the dataBytes stream.
> I see that the limit could be rised but this seems like akka wants to load 
> the entire data into memory. Actually I don't have a concrete value to put 
> there.

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