Thanks for your reply Patrik. I cannot believe I missed that. I will 
experiment with it also.

On Friday, 17 November 2017 19:32:01 UTC, Patrik Nordwall wrote:
> Hi Iain,
> Many things are missing for testing of Akka Typed, but did you check out: 
> /Patrik
> fre 17 nov. 2017 kl. 16:28 skrev Iain Hull < 
> <javascript:>>:
>> Hi,
>> I am been playing with akka typed and really missed TestProbe. I am not 
>> sure if this is missing, because its a work in progress or if there are 
>> better ways to test akka typed without using TestProbe.
>> In the meantime for my own needs I have created a simple asynchronous 
>> test probe for akka typed. It is designed to work with scalatest async so 
>> is completely future based. I have found it does not need all the expect 
>> style methods on the regular TestProbe since it uses futures and 
>> asynchronous testing to can just use the scalatest matchers.
>> The full code is on github 
>> A deeper discussion is in this blog post 
>> I would love to know if this test probe is useful or going in the 
>> completely wrong direction for akka typed. 
>> Thanks,
>> Iain.
>> /**
>>   * An actor test probe, that returns its results asynchronously. Each 
>> message the actor receives completes a promise
>>   *
>>   * @tparam A
>>   */
>> class AsyncTestProbe[A] {
>>   /**
>>     * Queue of promises that are completed when a message is received.
>>     * New promises are added to queueIn and queueOut at the same time
>>     */
>>   private val queueIn = mutable.Queue[Promise[A]]()
>>   /**
>>     * Queue of promises that are returned by `nextMessage`.
>>     */
>>   private val queueOut = mutable.Queue[Promise[A]]()
>>   /**
>>     * Read the next promise from the queue or create a new promise in 
>> both the in and out queues.
>>     *
>>     * NOTE: This method is synchronized as the requests for the queueOut 
>> come from the callers thread,
>>     * while the requests for the queueIn come from the actor's thread.
>>     *
>>     * @param queue The queue to read from
>>     *
>>     * @return the next promise.
>>     */
>>   private def nextPromiseFrom(queue: mutable.Queue[Promise[A]]): 
>> Promise[A] = this.synchronized {
>>     if (queue.isEmpty) {
>>       val promise = Promise[A]()
>>       queueIn.enqueue(promise)
>>       queueOut.enqueue(promise)
>>     }
>>     queue.dequeue()
>>   }
>>   /**
>>     * @return a future for the next message this test probe will receive
>>     */
>>   def nextMessage(): Future[A] = nextPromiseFrom(queueOut).future
>>   /**
>>     * @return a future for the next n messages this probe will receive
>>     */
>>   def nextMessages(n: Int)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): 
>> Future[Seq[A]] = this.synchronized {
>>     require(n >= 1, s"Can only ask for one or more messages, not $n")
>>     val futures =  (0 to n) map { _ => nextPromiseFrom(queueOut).future }
>>     Future.sequence(futures)
>>   }
>>   private val mutableBehavior = new Actor.MutableBehavior[A] {
>>     override def onMessage(msg: A) = {
>>       nextPromiseFrom(queueIn).success(msg)
>>       this
>>     }
>>   }
>>   /**
>>     * @return the behavior of this test probe
>>     */
>>   def behavior: Behavior[A] = Actor.mutable { _ =>
>>     mutableBehavior
>>   }
>> }
>> class QueueActorSpec extends fixture.AsyncFlatSpec with CompleteLastly 
>> with Matchers {
>>   import QueueActor._
>>   // A fixture contains the actor as an ActorSystem and a single test 
>> probe
>>   case class Fixture(actor: ActorSystem[JobRequest], probe: 
>> AsyncTestProbe[JobRequest])
>>   type FixtureParam = Fixture
>>   // Construct the ActorSystem run the test lastly terminate the 
>> ActorSystem
>>   override def withFixture(test: OneArgAsyncTest): FutureOutcome = {
>>     val testProbe = new AsyncTestProbe[JobRequest]
>>     val actorSystem = ActorSystem(QueueActor(Map(), 0, _ => 
>> testProbe.behavior), "QueueActor")
>>     complete {
>>       withFixture(test.toNoArgAsyncTest(Fixture(actorSystem, testProbe)))
>>     } lastly {
>>       Await.result(actorSystem.terminate(), 2.second)
>>       println("Terminated")
>>     }
>>   }
>>   behavior of "QueueActor"
>>   it should "create child actors on demand" in { param =>
>>     val Fixture(actor, testProbe) = param
>>     implicit val timeout = Timeout(2.seconds)
>>     implicit val sched = actor.scheduler
>>     val tenant = "sometenant"
>>     val job = Job("12345678", tenant)
>>     // Now test
>>     val futureMessage = testProbe.nextMessage()  // 1
>>     val futureResponse: Future[EnqueueJobResponse] = actor ? 
>> (EnqueueJob(job, _)) // 2
>>     for {
>>       EnqueueJob(job, sender) <- futureMessage // 3
>>       _ = sender ! JobEnqueued(job) // 4
>>       JobEnqueued(j) <- futureResponse // 5
>>     } yield {
>>       j shouldBe job // 6
>>     }
>>   }
>> }
>> -- 
>> >>>>>>>>>> Read the docs:
>> >>>>>>>>>> Check the FAQ: 
>> >>>>>>>>>> Search the archives:
>> --- 
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