
so the problem is that you don't need all the actors for all nodes at all
times, but rather on demand, correct?

You mention that you check the count of routees for each router. Are those
pool routers? If yes, do you really need many routees for each check or
could you reduce the amount there? With that many "node actors" running
concurrently, if each of them has its own set of child routers, it would
seem that you'd exhaust the resources of your machine quite soon anyway so
trying to increase throughput by adding more routees wouldn't help very

Of the top of my mind:
- are the checks stateful? I.e. do they need to be specialized / persisted
for each agent? Or could they be stateless, the state being carried by
messages, and hence be shared across nodes?
- in order to throttle things, you could look into using Akka Streams. That
is, you'd need your producing side to support backpressure - but perhaps
you do control the execution of checks on the nodes, in which case you
could make sure to not overflow your own system. See e.g. Colin's series on
integrating actors and streams:


On 29 January 2018 at 18:42, Yaron Shani <yaron.sh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey,
> I am writing a POC for developing an large scale application.
> My application is constructed from agents which can run some checks on the
> node (a computer). The agents talk with the application using gRpc.
> Each check is getting back to my application, which decides by the
> response to run other checks - leading something resembling a graph in the
> end.
> I made partially successful POC with an real network of an 1000 nodes, but
> I have some questions.
> I created an actor for each mutable state (for each check). Each node can
> run thousands of different check requests - leading to millions of actors
> or more. In my POC, at the start of the application, all the actors are
> being created, and my server almost runs out of resources from the amount
> of actors and states being saved in the memory.
> I am trying to find way to throttle the "boot" resource usage to the
> amount my server can handle it even when I grow to 50,000 nodes or 500,000
> nodes.
> One of the ways I tried to do it is by limit the amount of active agents
> for each check for a certain amount as I dont mind the process taking
> longer or not being super responsive as it does not interacts with users.
> I am trying to that by telling the router of each check to count its
> children and stash\unstash the messages when its getting to the limit. The
> children actors are stopping themself using setReceiveTimeout.
> The problem with that is that in Akka I can only unstashAll, causing all
> the actor queue to drain\fill every time the limit goes below the
> threshold, causing a lot of CPU being wasted.
> Implementing my own stash\unstash using Queue is felling to me like I am
> doing something really wrong.
> Also killing actors and creating them constantly from snapshots\events
> feels like abusing the Akka Persistence module.
> How would solve the the ability to run millions and ten of millions of
> requests, persisting their state, without exhausting the server resources,
> while using them as much as possible, without really worrying about being
> super responsive as those processes can take hours in some time?
> Thanks!
> --
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