is this question very hard ?

On Sunday, February 4, 2018 at 10:47:02 PM UTC+3:30, tech land wrote:
> Hi Every one 
> i wrote this code for read Port 25 
> class Asker(connection: ActorRef) extends Actor {
>   import Tcp._
>   connection ! Register(self);
>   def receive = {
>     case x =>
>       val parent = sender()
>       connection ! x
>          context become {case x => parent ! x;context.unbecome()}
>   }
> }
> trait TcpAskSupport {
>   self: Actor =>
>   def asker(connection: ActorRef) =
>     context.child( + "Asker")
>       .getOrElse(context.actorOf(Props(classOf[Asker], connection),
> + "Asker"))
> }
> class Client2 extends Actor with TcpAskSupport with ActorLogging{
>   import Tcp._
>   import context.system
>   val from=""
>   val to =""
>   IO(Tcp) ! Connect(new InetSocketAddress("", 25))
>   implicit val timeout = Timeout(new FiniteDuration(100, SECONDS))
>   val localhost = InetAddress.getLocalHost()
>   def writeFrom(connection: ActorRef) = {
>     asker(connection) ? Write(ByteString("MAIL From:<" + from + ">", 
> "US-ASCII"), NoAck) onComplete {
>       case Success(ex) =>  ex match {
>         case Received(value)=>{
>           println("from is:"+ value.utf8String)
>           writeTo(connection)
>         }
>         case _=>println("Error ")
>       }
>       case Failure(fa) => println("Error Response :" + fa)
>     }
>   }
>   def writeTo(connection: ActorRef) = {
>     println(ByteString("To:Ehsan uni<"+to+">", "US-ASCII"))
>     asker(connection) ? Write(ByteString("To:Ehsan uni<"+to+">", "US-ASCII"), 
> NoAck) onComplete {
>       case Success(ex) =>  ex match {
>         case Received(value)=>{
>             println("from is:"+ value.utf8String)
>         }
>         case _=>println("Error ")
>       }
>       case Failure(fa) => println("Error Response :" + fa)
>     }
>   }
>   def receive = {
>     case CommandFailed(_: Connect) =>
>       println("connect failed")
>       context stop self
>     case Received(data)=>{
>         println("Received:"+data)
>     }
>     case c @ Connected(remote, local) =>
>       println("Connected" + c)
>       val connection = sender()
>       asker(connection) ? Write(ByteString("HELO " + localhost.getHostName(), 
> "US-ASCII"), NoAck) onComplete {
>         case Success(ex) =>  ex match {
>           case Received(value)=>{
>               println("value is:"+ value.utf8String)
>               writeFrom(connection)
>           }
>           case _=>println("Error ")
>         }
>         case Failure(fa) => println("Error Response" + fa)
>       }
>     case x => println("[ERROR] Received" + x)
>     case Closed=>
>         println("connection is Closed")
>   }
> }
> object RunClient2 extends App{
>   val system=ActorSystem("ActorTcp")
>   val net = new InetSocketAddress("",25)
>   val clientTwo=system.actorOf(Props[Client2])
>   Thread.sleep(300000)
>   system.terminate()
> }
> and  this my response 
> ConnectedConnected(,/
> value is:220 ESMTP ready.
> ByteString(77, 65, 73, 76, 32, 70, 114, 111, 109, 58, 60, 101, 104, 115, 
> 97, 110, 64, 116, 101, 99, 104, 108, 97, 110, 100, 46, 105, 114, 62)
> [INFO] [02/04/2018 22:40:34.330] [Thread-0] 
> [CoordinatedShutdown(akka://ActorTcp)] 
> Starting coordinated shutdown from JVM shutdown hook
> Error Response :akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException: Ask timed out on [Actor[
> akka://ActorTcp/user/$a/0Asker#60133337]] after [100000 ms]. 
> Sender[Actor[akka://ActorTcp/user/$a#132021559]] sent message of type 
> "$Write".
> why when call writeFrom i ve got Error AskTimeoutException
> and how can change code to request and response 
> Correctly and efficiently ??? 
> thanks

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