Hi everyone.

AKKA 2.5.9 / HTTP 10.0.11

As part of prototyping architecture, I ran some benchmarks (including http) 
few months ago.
A simple hello world (request handler is completed with result immediately) 
had nice performance ~2.7m requests/minute. with 1,6m r/m when response 
included ask to sharded actor.

Recently I re-did those benchmarks to find out around ~9x performance drop 
on original test system.
Rolled prototype back to point of original test with similar result.
Built scala http sample with similar result.
Reinstalled JVM with similar result.
Randomly got performance back, until system restart (yeah like what ?)

On EC2-T2.medium I can do ~7k req/s to "hello world" page with 100% CPU 
usage (2 cores).
No akka.http configuration is changed and system does no background 
Default dispatcher is unchanged (only due to clustering throughput = 10).

Is this kind of performance expected ?
Is there something I can try ?


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