Hi all.
I made cluster of two nodes on the same host with role "*ddtest*" with 
following configuration :

akka {
  actor {
    provider = "cluster"
      serializers {
        java = "akka.serialization.JavaSerializer"
        proto = "akka.remote.serialization.ProtobufSerializer"
      serialization-bindings {
        "java.lang.String" = java
        "java.io.Serializable" = java
  remote {
    log-remote-lifecycle-events = off
    log-frame-size-exceeding = 1000b
    netty.tcp {
      hostname = ""
      port = 0

  cluster {
    seed-nodes = [

  loglevel = "DEBUG"


akka.cluster.distributed-data {
  name = ddataReplicator
  role = "competition"
  gossip-interval = 5000 ms
  notify-subscribers-interval = 500 ms
  max-delta-elements = 1000
  use-dispatcher = ""
  pruning-interval = 120 s
  max-pruning-dissemination = 300 s
  pruning-marker-time-to-live = 6 h
  serializer-cache-time-to-live = 10s
  delta-crdt {
    enabled = on
    max-delta-size = 200

Then i create another actor node with role - "client" , which must perform 
payload to random node with delay in 1 ms . Each payload modifies one 
entity from LWWMap. 
Each actor of *ddtest *role contains *250 *entities in *LWWMap  *and uses 
consistency level : *WriteMajority *, *ReadMajority *with 3 seconds

I ran "client" that sended 20000 payloads and it completed but in logs i 
have many messages : 
[DEBUG] [04/05/2018 16:58:57.202] 
[akka.actor.LocalActorRefProvider(akka://Demo)] resolve of path sequence 
[/system/ddataReplicator/$Tqi#598357737] failed

Could you explain what does it means ?


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