Which method is throwing the exception? Is it stream.read()? If so, then I
would guess that the stream.read() implementation is caching a lot of data
in memory.

In any event, I don't think there's enough information in your code to
determine the cause of your problem. You probably need to use a profiler to
determine what's going on.

Brian MAso

On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 1:37 AM <4915374...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,Every Hacker:
>  I am a junior software engineer. I tried to rewrite Stream as a sink and
> found that when I read a large update of the database, I throw an exception
> OutOfMemory. Can anyone give me some advice? Why am I wrong, thanks :-)
> def run(url: String, user: String, password: String, replUser: String, 
> replPass: String): Unit = {
>   implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("log-analyzer")
>   implicit val materializer: ActorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer()
>   implicit val ec: ExecutionContextExecutor = system.dispatcher
>   class DeadLetterListener extends Actor {
>     def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
>       case dl: DeadLetter ⇒
>         logger.error("dead letter: {}", dl)
>     }
>   }
>   val listener = system.actorOf(Props[DeadLetterListener])
>   system.eventStream.subscribe(listener, classOf[DeadLetter])
>   Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver")
>   // check last confirmed lsn
>   val sqlConnection: Connection = this.getSqlConnection(url, user, password)
>   val lastLSNOpt: Option[LogSequenceNumber] = 
> getLastConfirmedLSN(SLOT_NAME).run(sqlConnection)
>   var stream: PGReplicationStream = null
>   var replConnection: PGConnection = this.getReplicationConnection(url, 
> replUser, replPass)
>   if (lastLSNOpt.isEmpty) {
>     logger.info(s"未发现slot信息,初始化slot: $SLOT_NAME")
>     createSlot(replConnection)
>   } else {
>     logger.info(s"从 ${lastLSNOpt.get} 开始")
>   }
>   // start stream flow process
>   //    val counter = new AtomicInteger(0)
>   var lastTs = System.currentTimeMillis()
>   var lastReceiveLSN = LogSequenceNumber.INVALID_LSN
>   while (true) {
>     try {
>       if (replConnection == null || 
> replConnection.asInstanceOf[Connection].isClosed) {
>         replConnection = this.getReplicationConnection(url, replUser, 
> replPass)
>       }
>       stream = replConnection
>         .getReplicationAPI
>         .replicationStream
>         .logical
>         .withSlotName(SLOT_NAME)
>         .withSlotOption("include-xids", false)
>         //          .withSlotOption("skip-empty-xacts", true) 
> test_decoding下的设定,wal2json不适用
>         .withStatusInterval(STATUS_INTERVAL.toSeconds.asInstanceOf[Int], 
> TimeUnit.SECONDS)
>         .withStartPosition(lastReceiveLSN)
>         .start() // start replication stream
>       object stream2iter extends Iterator[(LogSequenceNumber, String)] {
>         override def next: (LogSequenceNumber, String) = {
>           try {
>             //outofmemory when big update in database
>             val msg = stream.read
>             //println(msg)
>             val offset = msg.arrayOffset
>             val src = msg.array
>             val len = src.length - offset
>             val log = new String(src, offset, len)
>             logger.debug(log)
>             val tmpLSN = stream.getLastReceiveLSN
>             (tmpLSN, log)
>           } catch {
>             case e: Throwable =>
>               println("localhost: " + e)
>               (LogSequenceNumber.INVALID_LSN, "")
>           }
>         }
>         override def hasNext: Boolean = !stream.isClosed
>       }
>       val srcStream: Source[(LogSequenceNumber, String), NotUsed] = 
> Source.fromIterator(() => stream2iter)
>       val sink: Sink[LogRecord, Future[Done]] = Sink.foreach(log => {
>         logger.debug(s"LSN: ${log.lsn}, target: ${log.target.fullname}")
>         if (log.lsn != LogSequenceNumber.INVALID_LSN)
>           lastReceiveLSN = log.lsn
>         stream.setAppliedLSN(lastReceiveLSN)
>         stream.setFlushedLSN(lastReceiveLSN)
>       })
>       val totalG: RunnableGraph[NotUsed] = 
> srcStream.via(graph(system)).to(sink)
>       val res = totalG.run()
>     } catch {
>       // 断连常态化
>       case e: PSQLException =>
>         logger.warn("Connection closed, retrying...", e)
>         val conn = replConnection.asInstanceOf[Connection]
>         if (!conn.isClosed) {
>           conn.close()
>         }
>         TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1)
>         restarts.inc()
>         replConnection = null
>       case e: Throwable =>
>         logger.error("Connection can not be established!", e)
>         shutdown(system, e)
>     }
>   }
> }
> --
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