The Town Hall event was for the Congresswomen and people of her
district to have a friendly discussion of health care reform trying to
take place in the country.  The event was original scheduled for the
Market Basket supermarket in Chelmsford, MA and moved to the
Chelmsford Town Hall gymnasium due to a very large demand.  Even that
was not enough as there was no parking left and a line of a couple of
hundred people waiting to get in.

I was able to park not too far away and started walking towards the
gymnasium.   As I saw the people waiting in line I noticed at least
two-thirds were older, if not Medicare age.  There were many signs
being held up against the health care reform and only a few for it.
The most disgusting signs were the ones depicting President Obama as
Hitler and one large sign showing Obama taking people and placing them
in ovens.  One group was even handing out flyers about how Obama was
Hitler.  I believe most of these were from the LaRouche PAC who's
members are extremely to the right.

Many other signs said basically keep government out of their lives or
stop spending money.  I stood in line with 4 older people, two
gentlemen and two ladies.  All of them had Medicare.  The two ladies
said "this happened in Germany and is happening here."  I told her
that I was offended by her comments, but the two gentlemen jumped in
and agreed with her.  Then they started talking about Glenn Beck and
how the government, even during Bush's time in office, was liberal.

I asked them if any of them had a problem with the Medicare they are
receiving.  Only one of the gentlemen said he did not like it because
it limits the drugs he can get, which is normal under any health care
plan.  The rest had operations, one of the gentlemen having three, and
were satisfied with their health care being taking care of by the
government.  When I asked then why would they not want the same for
everyone and they said almost in unison that it was socialism.  Then I
asked them could you please describe socialism and not a single one
had any idea about it, only that the government runs programs and they
changed the subject.

These four also complained about health care in Canada and the UK.
When I asked them how do they know, they referred back to Sean Hannity
and Glenn Beck.  Having lived in countries where there was a single
payer system, Germany and Italy, I told them that these were lies and
I never waited more than one day to see my regular doctor and the wait
times were comparable for specialists and test to here.   One of the
gentlemen said, "good for you."  They all also agreed that the biggest
problem with health care was that tort reform was needed and that
somehow would magically solve all the problems with the health care

The group started going off on the federal deficit, which is huge.
They complained about the new airplanes that the government wants,
which I am also against.  When I brought up President Bush and that he
ran up nearly $5 trillion in debt, their response was that he kept us
safe.  Maybe or maybe not, but he still ran up a huge debt and not a
single one of them could think of one program that Bush did for the
American people that did not involved Homeland Security or
terrorism.   They told me that I was just as bad as the new media and
Bush did a great job.   Considering that they sounded like they only
watched Fox News, I am not sure how much of the news media they are
watching.  Surprisingly no one brought up if President Obama was
really an American.

They all agreed that unfettered capitalism with no restrictions would
solve the problem, and making as much money as possible was a good
thing.  Everyone did agree that something needed to be done, we just
had very different opinions on how to get there.  The people I was
speaking with seemed very highly educated, one of the gentlemen was
teacher, but they are misinformed by only watching one news source.

I never did get into the town hall, but another one is scheduled for
Tuesday, 11 June 2009.  Maybe I will try to make that one.

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