On 12/21/05, adak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why can't the sum of the subsets be an odd number? Makes no difference,
> it's just a sum.imo
Let's suppose you have the solution of the problem; you have two subsets
s' and s'' of a set of integers S such that the sum of all the elements of s'
is equal to the sum of all the elements of s''. Obviously,
SUM(s')+SUM(s'') = S
can't be odd, because its the sum of two equal numbers !!! :)

> When I think of "an exhaustive search algorithm", for a problem, I
> think it needs to generate ALL the subsets, until it either finds the
> answer I'm seeking, or all the subsets have been examined, and there is
> no answer matching my request.
going this way, complexity is something like 2^|B|
(where |x| means cardinality(x) :)

let's suppose you create an array of boolean B with a number of cells
equal to the number of elements in the set S.

S[] array of integer;
B[] array of boolean;
s', s'' integer;
for each permutation of B
  for (i=0 .. |B|)
    if (B[i] == true) S'++;
    else S''++;
  if (s' == s'') return B;

Given that we hopefully have to work in a world where
|B| <<< 2^|B|
(<<< means: "very, very, very lower than" :)
complexity of the problem is 2^|B|.

Am I wrong somewhere ?

bye ! :)

Mattia Merzi.

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