On 1/17/06, Lenin Ravindranath S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  CodeAreana - Online Programming Contest - January 29th 2006

[from the "Rules" page]

"Participants will be first ranked by the number of problems correctly
[it's ok ...]

"In case of a tie, the participants shall be in turn ranked by the
time of submission and if the tie is still not resolved we will use the
time complexity of the solutions for judging."

[this means that, if the problem says: "write an algorithm to
sort an array", I write bubblesort in 1 minute, another guy writes
quicksort in 5 minutes, I win ... this doesn't make any sense at all!
In my opinion, they are evaluating the quick-and-dirty coding
ability of the programmers, quantity instead of quality ...]

bye !


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