Try looking for Component Labelling Algorithms, which is a two-pass classic algorithm that put an label for each connected group of pixels (component) and, thus, you can also find the total of components (blobs) and their areas.


2006/1/26, H. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Today in a data structures class we went over blob recursion. What we
went over is actually described on this page (different school though):

I understand how the recursion works, but I'm more interested in
determing the exact algorithm. I asked the professor, and he didn't
know, except to say that it was "very inefficient"

I toyed around with it a for a few minutes tonight, trying to determine
the worse-case efficiency if all squares will filled in a playing field
of x*y=n squares. I think I'm doing something wrong, because my initial
figur ended up with 9n, which would be Big Oh n, which I'm sure can't
be right; it must be more inefficient than that.

Any ideas? Both on how to go about determining the algorithm and the
actual algorithm itself.

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