
I havent thought about this problem much, but will do so.


Here is where the flaw lies in your solution ...

On 2/2/06, Richa Minda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

2nd iteartion u now flip 16th cell to one and then 17 to one and so on   till cell 28th and now again flip cell 27th to zero    then cell 26 to zero and so on till cell 15th i.e. in    2nd iteartion u fliped 14+14 times and end u have cell    28 as one

In the second interation when you are flipping the cells to zero ... you cannot flip the 15th one to zero coz the 14th cell is zero already. So as you proceed further you will have every 15 cells one cell which you cannot flip over to zero. So after a few iterations you would run out of cells which can be 1.


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