I wrote:

"He wanted MS-SQL, not MySQL, but let's not go into that".

You're quite right. Thanks for that correction.

If the database "isn't helping you with anything", then you're not
using the real power of a database!  A database isn't just a collection
of data - it's an ORGANIZED collection of data. You can use that
organization (which would always include indexing), to your massive

But you also don't have to use that advantage. You can do it either
way, AND I never said the problem couldn't be solved in a regular
programming language. I'm sure it can be, absolutely! .

It's a bit like computer chess. You can calculate your own moves in
your program, from scratch, for each new board position during the

OR, you can pre-compute tables which are organized according to each
piece,  (knight, queen, pawn, king, etc.), if it were placed on any of
the 64 squares of the board.

Which makes getting the list of pseudo-legal moves, a mere look-up
through tables, and can save a lot of time, instead of creating your
own pseudo-legal list of moves, from scratch.

If you would like more info on that, go to www.talkchess.com, register
(it's free), and chat with some of the several chess programmers you'll
find there. These include the current, and several former computer
chess world champs,  so go there with your ears open. Robert Hyatt
(professor at University of Alabama, co-author of Cray Blitz and author
of Crafty), has little patience with those who don't want to listen,
but like to argue. Other programmer's include those for programs like:
Fruit, Fish (probably the strongest current program in the world),
Zappa (current unlimited world champion), and many others.

In computer chess you have to use a large amount of organized data for
your program to play well. Things like large opening books, and
absolutely huge end-game databases (we call them "table bases"), are
all put to good use. No programmer HAS to use them - but ALL the
strongest programs, DO USE THEM.

The best analogy I can think of is a man walking along a road, with a
bicycle. He ABSOLUTELY can get to his destination, this way. The
bicycle just, kinda gets in his way. But he could get there a lot
faster if he USED the  bicycle's unique properties to help him move
toward his destination.

There may be other considerations that favor NOT using the database, if
it's poorly designed for your type of query, so it takes too long to
produce the answer, or just overloaded by too many users.

That's a problem with that particular database implementation, but it
doesn't mean a good system would have those flaws. 


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