Hi all. I have this problem with analysis of algorithms, I thought
maybe I could get some help here... It's not defined *that* strictly,
so I guess I shouldn't be looking for an exact solution. This is how it

You have an algorithm "A" that solves a given problem in N/2 steps of
complexity O(N^2) each, for an input set of size N. (exact kind of
complexity is not stated)
Suppose you come up with another algorithm "B" for the same problem, a
"divide and conquer" one. This algorithm divides the input of size N in
two pairs of size N/2 each. To achieve this subdivision it takes an
amount of "data division operations" D(N) = O(N*logN) and an amount of
"data combination operations" C(N) = O(N*logN)

The problem is to determine which of the two algorithms is more
efficient for this problem; A or B?

Reasonably, I tried to find upper bounds for the number of "operations"
needed in both cases and see which one comes up with a "tighter" bound.
A: T(N) = (N/2)*f(N), where f(N) = O(N^2)
Thus T(N) < (N/2)*(c1*N^2) = c2*N^3, where c1,c2 are constant.

B: T(N) = 2*T(N/2) = 2*(D(N/2)+C(N/2)), therefore
T(N) < 2*c3*(N/2)*log(N/2) = c4*N*(logN-log2), where c"?" are constant

Is this enough to deem "B" as the more efficient one? Or am I
missing/doing wrong something here? Is there a pitfall somewhere?
and BTW, doesn't the recurrence "T(N) = 2T(N/2) + constant" yield
linear complexity? How do I come up with N*log(N) ?

Thanks in advance for any input.

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