> Hi Gene,
>   can u tell me what is the time complexity of your code?
> VishnuPriya

The code is copied below.  (Note I fixed a typo in the original; the
variable "ir" should have been delared an integer not a char.)

Each iteration of the loop has constant run time. It either adds a
character to the output buffer (the line that does this is  r[ir--] =
s[is--]; ) or else it prints the buffer. So it's easy to see the run
time is O(L) where L is the length of the output.  It's hard to imagine
where a faster algorithm would be useful.  The stack iss needs as many
slots as there are characters in each output subsequence.

void print_all_subsequences(char *s, int is, char *r, int ir)
  int iss[1000], *isp = iss, irs = ir;

  for (;;) {
    if (ir < 0) {
      printf("\n%s", r);
      if (isp == iss)
      is = --*isp;
      ir = ++irs;
    else {
      r[ir--] = s[is--];
      if (is > ir) {
        *isp++ = is; 

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