dvdsum wrote:
> Hello! can you help me please??!
> We are given a directed graph G = (V,E), with costs on the edges; the
> costs may be positive or negative, but every cycle in the graph has
> strictly positive cost. We are also given two nodes v, w. Give an
> efficient algorithm that computes the number of shortest v-w paths in
> G. The algorithm should not list all the paths; hist the number
> suffices.
> Please help meeee!
> I think I must use Bellman-Ford, but I don't know...

First, I'll assume you're talking about any v-w paths, not
necessarily simple. Otherwise the problem is NP-hard.

Here's a easier version of the problem: determine the
number of simple v-w paths, i.e., ignore weights.

Next, use Bellman-Ford to reduce your problem to the
easier version.

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