Please see the answers below.

Gene wrote:
> krisp wrote:
> > I am looking for an efficient algorithm to search for k-median across
> > disjointed vectors.
> >
> > For example, I have 10 different size arrays of floats (size varies
> > from 20k to 100k elements)  from which I would like to get 1000th
> > element of the combined set (total set is 500k elements).
> >
> > Currently I am extracting 1000 elements from each array and doing
> > merge-sort. Since this operation is performed atleast 100k times (i.e.
> > a set of 100k * 500k elements), the constant factor of shipping
> > elements across a different machine is very high. I am wondering if
> > there is a better approach to limit the amount of data passed around
> > while keeping the efficiency.
> This looks like an interesting problem, but you don't provide enough
> information for a useful answer.  You imply that the independent
> vectors are sorted (otherwise how do you peel off the top k elements).
> True?

Not sorted. But ordered with select K-Median on individual arrays such
that a[0],.....a[k-1] <= a[k] < a[k+1],....a[n]

>You imply vectors are separated by relatively slo
> communications.  True?  If so, how slow?  I.e. what is the throughput
> for a large message?  What is the turn-around time for a tiny message?

Currently I am passing 1000 floats on 100Mbps link from each vector.
That amounts to 4 (bytes) * 1000 (elements) * 10 (vectors) * 100,000
(number of sets) = 4 GBytes on a highly congested network.

> The reason for these questions is that if it's cheaper to send O(log N)
> separate short messages than to send M messages with k floats (M is the
> number of vectors) as you are currently doing, then a speedup is
> possible.  Otherwise it probably isn't.

If I can reduce the order to log N, then that amounts to 10 times less

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