carmelo wrote:
> imagine to have a k-ary tree, each node is a room and each edge is a
> corridor; each room has a value assigned, you must place cameras in
> rooms but if a room has an adiacent room with the camera you can't
> place the camera must place the cameras to have the max
> value possibile.. how to choose the rooms?

A level order traversal of the k-ary tree starting from the root
(i.e.depth 0) and chosing all the nodes from even numbered depths. So
in this case, sum of all the nodes in depth 0, 2, 4 ..., call it x.

Another level-order traversal of the k-ary tree starting from depth 1
and chosing all the nodes from odd numbered depths. So in this case,
sum of all the nodes in depth 1, 3, 5 ..., call it y.

The larger of the 2 values x,y will be your max and it's corresponding
nodes will give you the rooms with cameras in them.

- GoCooL

P.S. I've also responded to your original post on comp.lang.c

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