What about problem 1 ? i am really puzzled .

Problem 1: The Hunpur Visa

Hunpur lies to the north of Siruseri and flights from Siruseri to many
parts of the world go through Samosa Airport, the busiest airport in
Hunpur. Hunpur demands that residents of Siruseri obtain "transit
visas" in order to fly through Samosa.

Recently, the authorities of Hunpur have enforced some strange rules
regarding photographs to be submitted for obtaining visas. The size of
the face in the photograph is measured along K different directions to
get the numbers (m1,m2, ...,mK). The consulate has specified a lower
bound and upper bound (li and ui respectively) along each of the K
directions. So, a photograph with measurements (m1, m2, ...,mK) is
accepted if and only if li = mi = ui for 1 = i = K. Otherwise,
it is rejected.

For example, if K =2 with l1 = 32, u1 = 36, l2 = 20 and u2 = 24, a
photograph with measurements (33,20) would be accepted, but photographs
with measurements (31,20) or (36,25) would be rejected.

Many studios in Siruseri have come up with a partial solution to this
problem. They digitally alter the image. They have a fixed collection
of M "operations". Each operation is a tuple (d1, d2, ...,dK), where
each di is a (positive or negative) integer. The effect of this
operation on a image with dimensions (m1,m2, ...,mK) is to change the
dimensions to (m1+d1, m2+d2, ..., mK+dK). The studio cannot apply more
than two operations on a photograph as it damages the quality of the
image. Moreover, no operation can be applied more than once.

For example, using the operations (-2,3) and (3,-1) we can transform an
image of size (31,20) to one of size (32,22) which would be accepted by
the Hunpur consulate. On the other hand, using these operations we
cannot alter an image of size (36,25) to an acceptable one.

Your task is to determine whether the photograph whose dimensions are
given can be altered using at most two operations to an acceptable

Input format

The first line contains two integers K and M. The second line contains
K integers giving the lower bounds for the K directions. The third line
contains K integers giving the upper bounds for the K directions. This
is followed by M lines each containing K integers describing the M
different operations. This is followed by the last line containing K
integers specifying measurements of the photograph.

Output format

If it is not possible to alter the image using at the most 2 operations
then print a single line with the word NO. Otherwise, the first line of
the output must have the single word YES, the second line must contain
an integer i, indicating the number of operations (0 = i = 2) that
may be used to transform the image into an acceptable one, and this
should be followed by i lines describing the i operations. There may be
more than one way to transform the image into an acceptable one, it
suffices to print any one.

Note: In this task, test inputs will be arranged in groups and marks
will be assigned for groups of test inputs rather than to each
individual test input. For example, one mark may be assigned for a
group of three test inputs. This means that to score that one mark your
program must run correctly on all three test inputs in the group. Thus,
blindly printing NO is not likely to score many marks.

Test data

You may assume that K = 100 and M = 100.


Here is a sample input and output corresponding to the example
discussed above.

Sample input

2 2
32 20
36 24
-2 3
3 -1
31 20

Sample output

3 -1
-2 3
 I think the answer will always be YES.

we have numbers like (l1,u1) ,(l2,u2),(l3,u3)...(ln,un) and numbers m1

now to map mi to (li,ui) , it is always possible (forgetting overflow).
Is something wrong with my understanding of the problem. So i can
always find a vector d1,d2,d3..,dn which maps m1,m2,m3...,mn between
(l1,u1),(l2,u2)...(ln,un) in a single operation or 0 operations (if
they already are in the range ).  If a point is on x axis, then to move
them between 2 points on x axis requires 1 displacement.similarly for

Comments please.

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