
There is a problem in the algorithm book I'm trying to digest, that
I'd like to discuss a bit. So, first thing first, let me state the
problem :

Describe a O( n*lg(n) ) algorithm that, given a set of integers S and
another integer x, determines, weather or not, there exist two
elements n1,n2 in S so that n1 + n2 = x.

OK, so now, regrading the questions - I've made an attempt to write an
algorithm as follows :


find(A, x)
   i = 1
   while (A[i] < x)
      n2 = x - A[i]
      if (binary_search(A, n2) == SUCCESS)
          return EXISTS
      i = i + 1
   return not EXISTS

So, presuming the algorithm is correct, I get the following time
complexity :

sorting : n*lg(n)
loop : n - 1
binary_search n*lg(n) * (n-1)

summing these things up we have :

n*lg(n) + n - 1 + n*lg(n)*(n-1)

n*lg(n) + n - 1 + n*lg(n)*n - n*lg(n)

cancelling out n*lg(n) and ignoring the linear terms, we have :

n*lg(n)*n, which is :


So, either my algorithm sucks, or, my analysis skills suck, or, most
probbably, both suck :-)

Anyway, can someone check that algorithm and reasoning, correct any
mistakes, or supply a better algorotihm for the task?


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