thnkx everybody for help but now i come to know that constraint on money is
<10^ in this situation we can't use DP..
once again i  m mentioning the question .......
given k number of coins (v1,v2,v3,......vk) and sum S .now we have to find
out that is it possible to exchange the money using these coin.if posible
then print YES otherwise NO.
k<100 and S<10^ with this constraints i don't think tabular solution
is possible ....... need attention of algorithm experts ...

On 3/4/07, algogeeks group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Algorithm Geeks
> Today's topics:
> * dynamic programming .. - 3 messages, 3 authors
> * how to tell honest people - 2 messages, 2 authors
> ==============================================================================
> TOPIC: dynamic programming ..
> ==============================================================================
> == 1 of 3 ==
> Date: Sun 4 Mar 2007 00:24
> From: "mukesh tiwari"
> hi everybody ..i am stuck on a problem ..i need ur help..
> problem is that i have k coins(v1,v2,v3......vk) and money S . and i have
> to
> find out that whether it is possible or not to make the money S using the
> given coins...firstly i was using greedy but it failed on some inputs
>  we have 2 coins of (3 and 5) and i have to exchange 11 .
> so using greedy fiirstly i take 5 since it is less than 11 so i have to
> again take 5 and sum becomes 10 . So using greedy it gives it not possible
> but if use onr coin of 5 and two coin of 3 then it is possible ..
> so plz help me dynamic programming experts..
> limits are k<100 and S<50000
> == 2 of 3 ==
> Date: Sat 3 Mar 2007 11:58
> From: "aditi saha"
> Hi mukesh,
> Let M(S),S>=0 be true if its possible to make money S with the given coins
> v1,v2,...vk.
> Then,
> M(S)=M(S-v1) || M(S-v2) || ...|| M(S-vk).
> Base Case:
> M(vi)=true for 1<=i<=k.
> M(0)=true
> Let vl be the smallest of all vi's where 1<=i<=k.
> Then M(1...vl-1)=false.
> On 3/3/07, mukesh tiwari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > hi everybody ..i am stuck on a problem ..i need ur help..
> > problem is that i have k coins(v1,v2,v3......vk) and money S . and i
> have
> > to find out that whether it is possible or not to make the money S using
> > the  given coins...firstly i was using greedy but it failed on some
> inputs
> >  we have 2 coins of (3 and 5) and i have to exchange 11 .
> > so using greedy fiirstly i take 5 since it is less than 11 so i have to
> > again take 5 and sum becomes 10 . So using greedy it gives it not
> possible
> > but if use onr coin of 5 and two coin of 3 then it is possible ..
> > so plz help me dynamic programming experts..
> > limits are k<100 and S<50000
> >
> > >
> >
> == 3 of 3 ==
> Date: Sun 4 Mar 2007 03:38
> From: "Sandesh"
> Hi,
> Greedy solution will work only when the denomination of coins are such
> that they are
> multiples of the smallest number present (it should be greater than 1)
> In dynamic programming we check all possible combination.
> and improve the runtime by storing results in tables/arrays we can
> save a lot of computation.
> Here-
>            Generate all possible combination of numbers, allowing
> repetition and
> suppose you say 'nCr' then 'r' running from 1 to n.
> On Mar 3, 11:54 pm, "mukesh tiwari" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > hi everybody ..i am stuck on a problem ..i need ur help..
> > problem is that i have k coins(v1,v2,v3......vk) and money S . and i
> have to
> > find out that whether it is possible or not to make the money S using
> the
> > given coins...firstly i was using greedy but it failed on some inputs
> >  we have 2 coins of (3 and 5) and i have to exchange 11 .
> > so using greedy fiirstly i take 5 since it is less than 11 so i have to
> > again take 5 and sum becomes 10 . So using greedy it gives it not
> possible
> > but if use onr coin of 5 and two coin of 3 then it is possible ..
> > so plz help me dynamic programming experts..
> > limits are k<100 and S<50000
> ==============================================================================
> TOPIC: how to tell honest people
> ==============================================================================
> == 1 of 2 ==
> Date: Sat 3 Mar 2007 15:41
> From: "learner"
> Hi, I was stuck by the follwoing  interesting problem, any idea to
> solve it?
> 100 people total, some honest and some not.
> honest will always say the truth.
> not hosest will sometimes lie.
> and honest people is more than not-honest ones.
> You can ask any people  the following
> question about any other people : "Professor Y , is Professor X
> honest?" Professor
> Y will answer with either "yes" or "no." Design an algorithmthat, with
> no more than
> 198 questions, would allow you to figure out which of the 100
> professors are honest
> == 2 of 2 ==
> Date: Sat 3 Mar 2007 20:22
> From: "Karthik Singaram L"
> Hi,
>   Note that the problem is solved if you find one honest professor then
> you
> can ask him about all the other professors and solve it 99 questions from
> there on. The problem is to find one honest person in 99 questions.
>   This can be done as follows,
>    Divide the professors into groups of 2.
>    In each group ask if the opposite professor is honest.
>    4 possibilities
>    (i) Both honest and say both honest or Both liars and say both liars
>    Discard all the other groups
>    Choose one person from the groups saying both honest.
>    Observe that now whenever both are honest or both are liars in a group
> one of them will get included and therefore the teams that got discarded
> atleast have one liar.
>   In the resulting problem with 50 members still again the majority are
> honest professors
>   Therefore after one round (50 questions)
>   For second round you have (25 questions)
>   50+25+(12+1)+6+(3+1)+1 = 99 questions
>   (whenever we have odd number of ppl it takes 1 extra question to
> eliminate
> the extra guy).
>   So we will have the person we are looking for in 99 questions. Then ask
> him about the remaining 99 ppl and you are done with exactly 198
> questions..
> I am not sure if the exact calculations are correct for each round but
> overall this is the logic
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