What is the maximum value of N given in the problem. I think this
problem is from USACO.

On May 7, 3:10 am, "amin fos-hati" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hello dear please think about tis problem:
> Farmer John wants to place a big square barn on his square farm. he hates to
> cut down trees on his farm and wants to find a location for his  barn  that
> enables him to build it only on land that is already clear of trees.For our
> purposes, his land is divided into N*N parcels. the input contains a list of
> parcels that contain trees.Your job is to determine and report the largest
> possible square barn that can be placed on his land without having to clear
> away trees. the barn sides must be parallel to the horizontal or vertical
> axis.
> if this problem solved with dynamic programming is good for me.
> thanks Amin Foshati
> Student And Researcher

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