Hi everybody i am trying to solve problem

my solution is

 (x+y)y=P    (1)
 (x-y)x=Q     (2)

(1+(y/x))xy=P   (1)//taking x outside
(1-(y/x))x^2=Q   (2)

dividing 1 and 2 and let (y/x)=k


solving for k
k=-(P+Q) +-sqrt((P+Q)^2+4PQ)/2Q;
since x>=y so we can not take -ve sign as it will make  |k|>1 which is not
possible so i take only +ve sign ;
 solution is possible only when
(P+Q)^2+4PQ is perfect square .
  after determining k we can find out x and y
so my values are

and y=+-sqrt(Pk/(1+k));

now my problem is based on  for each value of x we have two values of y so
we have 4 pair of values .So which value to output .

thnkx in advance .

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