Declare: this question is originally from Google. The original form
is: given a document, how to find a shortest summary containing all
the key words. After translated, it will be: given a sequence, how to
find a shortest substring that contains all the items required.
Example: a sequence "abaccdefgacel" and a set of key words "a", "c",
"d" and "e". The shortest substring contianing all of the key words is
"accde". Find one of such shortest substrings. In the original
question, there is time complexity boundary O(N), where N is the
length of the sequence.

To me, this problem is rather questionable. So far my solution
requires a hash table that gives no conflict and can locate a key word
in O(1) time. Otherwise the time complexity will definitely be related
to the number of key words.

Does anyone have idea for a O(N) algorithm to solve this problem?

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